The Calling Read online

Page 12

  Grabbing the ends of the blanket she was sitting on, she pulled it up, wrapping it around her shoulders. The air had cooled, just as Jacob had said it would, and no matter how tired she was, closing her eyes was impossible. The slightest noise and she was searching the dark for the source of it.

  A splash from the creek caused her to turn her head and she searched the creek bed. She saw nothing and leaned back, glancing in one direction to the other. When she looked back to her right, she saw him. Garrett was sitting near the stream further up the creek.

  He was staring at her. Those amber wolf eyes glowing in the darkness.

  She watched him for long moments, her pulse leaping to rapid life. How long had he been there? Hiding in the dark. Hiding from her. Her chest ached at the thought. As much as she feared him, she didn't want to alienate him and make him feel unwanted. She wanted him near her no matter what he looked like.

  It's now or never, she thought, standing and wrapping the blanket around her shoulders. She started toward him, her breaths coming more rapid as she drew closer. When she was close enough to see his face clearly, he stood up.

  She froze.

  "I won't hurt you, Rayna."

  The sound of her name in that deep, garbled baritone sent a chill up her spine. "I know you won't."

  "Then come here."

  Her hands started shaking at his request. She took two small steps, pausing briefly before taking a few more. Her knees were weak and barely holding her up by the time she reached him. When she stopped in front of him she looked up... and up. He was enormous.

  He squatted, bringing him closer to eye level with her, but she still had to lift her head to see his face. He didn't make any other moves and she was shaking so badly she knew he could hear her bones rattling.

  "Come here," he said, holding out his hand to her. She stared at it, noticing again how long and sharp the claws were and willed the fear choking her away. She closed the remaining distance between them, stopping directly in front of him. He never moved, didn't make any attempt to touch her, and after long minutes of staring at his outstretched hand, Rayna reached out and touched him.

  A quick glance at his face and she knew he wasn't going to do anything but sit there. He was still again, like he had been earlier, and with another bravely fought step toward him, she laid her hand flat in his palm.

  Rayna took a shaky breath and stared down at their hands. Hers looked tiny compared to his and she was sure if he closed his fist, he could break her bones without any effort. She moved her hand, sliding it across his palm before tracing the long line of his fingers to the claws at the end. She reached out with her other hand, glancing up at him before turning his hand over. The hair wasn't soft as she imagined. It felt wiry but was thick, even on his hand. Another step forward, her hands tracing the line of his arm, her fingers climbing into the thick nap of hair. She looked up then and noticed how close she was. Another step and she would be able to lean against his chest. He was staring down at her, again still as death, and she wondered what he was thinking. "I'm sorry I'm so scared," she whispered. "I don't mean to be."

  "It's fine."

  "No, it's not," she said. "I shouldn't be. I know its you in there but..." She raised her hand, touching the side of his face. His eyes closed, his breath leaving in a rush and she felt it hot and moist against her face. She raised both arms, the blanket falling from her shoulders as she explored him, her hands traveling over his wolf form and with every passing second, the fear lessoned.

  Her gaze ran over him as her hands stroked him, a small rumbling in his chest telling her more than words how pleased he was. She glanced down the line of his body and blushed. His genitals were very much human-like in appearance and even though she was barely touching him, he looked happy for her to be doing so. She looked back at his face. His eyes were still closed and she leaned toward him, letting her body touch his. "Garrett."

  His eyes opened when she said his name and even though no discernable expression could be seen on his face, she could tell her being so close was a relief to him. He stared at her before lifting his arm, the back of one clawed finger running over her hair. She continued to stroke him, to feel his wiry hair between her fingers and the small touches slowly eased the last of her fear.

  Closing the remaining distance between them, she leaned against him and turned her head, laying her cheek to his shoulder. She let out the breath she'd been holding when his arms wound around her. As odd as it was to be in the embrace of a creature who could snap her in two, in her mind's eye she saw Garrett, the man, not the impossibly scary wolf he appeared to be.

  "The fear is gone," he said.

  She smiled. "Let me guess," she said, her eyes still closed. "You don't smell it?"

  Another rumble from his massive chest vibrated through her body. "No. I don't smell it. I only smell you." She felt her hair move before feeling the weight of his head against her own, his breath hot against the back of her neck. She was completely surrounded by him, trapped within his arms and she nuzzled her face against him. As scary as the wolf was, she felt safe in his arms. Protected.

  "I'm going to assume you won the fight with Caleb and the others?" He made a sound that strongly resembled a laugh. She looked up at him and smiled. "I take that as a yes?"

  "They ran."

  "They ran?" she said, before laughing. "All that growling and posturing and they ran?"

  "All but Caleb. He would never run from a fight."

  "And what happened?"

  "Nothing. He talked more than anything."

  "Brave enough to stay but too scared to fight?" His lip curled up and she knew he was smiling. Still arrogant as ever. "How long do you stay like this?" she asked, running her hands down his arms.

  "For as long as I want."

  "You can change back anytime you want to?"


  "Then why are you still like this?"

  "In case they come back," he said. "Once I change, I won't be able to shift back into the wolf for a while. I'll be too weak to even try."

  "Do you think they'll come back tonight?"

  He looked up and scanned the clearing. "I'm not going to take any chances that they will."

  "Do you think they'll come back tonight?" she asked again.


  "They why stay like this?"

  "Why not?"

  She raised her arm and laid her hand to the side of his face. "Because I want you back."

  He stared down at her for long moments before dropping his arms. "If they come back and take you while I can do nothing but watch, I'll let them eat you."

  She grinned. "I'd much rather have you eat me... but if that's your choice."

  The rumbling in his chest turned to a growl and his lips curled back, revealing those teeth she'd been curious about. "Don't tease a wolf, Rayna, especially a jealous one." Laughing, she stepped back, picking up the blanket. He stood to his full height and backed up several steps. "I'll go to the trees. It'll take a while before I can come back."

  "You don't have to leave."

  "Are you okay to watch?"

  "Not really but I'd rather see it than wonder about it."

  He nodded his head and stepped back several more steps. When he'd put enough distance between them, she saw him take several deep breaths before closing his eyes.

  The first flicker of movement she saw was the small wave the hair on his body made. It moved and shimmered before slowly receding. The sound of his pained moans was heard, then the audible crack of shifting bones. She saw them then, sliding under his flesh and in a complete reversal of the process she'd watched earlier, the beast slowly slid away and the man came screaming back into focus.

  Garrett fell to his hands and knees, his naked body glistening in the moonlight. She ran to him, dropping to her knees in front of him and it wasn't until he lifted his head and looked up at her that she realized she was crying. "Are you all right?"

  He nodded and lowered his head again, taking
several deep breaths before sitting up on his knees and bracing his hands on his naked thighs. His eyes were still closed and a pained expression covered his face. She looked him over, lifting her hand to rub the side of his face. "Ugh, your skin is slimy."

  He smiled with his eyes closed. "A shower usually gets rid of it."

  She snarled her nose, pulling her hand away and rubbing her fingers together. "What is it?"

  "That, is a very good question," he said, breathlessly. He opened his eyes and looked at her. "And no one seems to have the answer for it."

  A "hmpf" noise was all she could manage as she watched the slimy substance slide between her fingers. "It's quite gross, whatever it is."

  "I'll not argue that one with you." He turned his head to the creek before looking back over at her. "Can you help me to the water?"

  "Of course," she said, standing and reaching down to help him up. It was easier said than done, though. He was dead weight and she grunted with the effort to get his feet under him. By the time he was standing, his legs shook as he leaned against her and she was covered in slime. "Where do you usually change back?"

  "Close to home," he said. "Or wherever my campsite is."

  "You camp?" She looked up and watched him smile.

  "It wouldn't be a great idea to run through Bluff's Point while in wolf form, now would it?"

  "No," she said, before taking the first step with him toward the creek. "I guess that explains all the camping gear in your truck." They reached the creek bank and he nearly fell in face first as she tried to lower him back to the ground. He was sitting half in and half out of the water and she let go of him to remove her shoes and socks and roll her pants legs up. She stepped into the creek and gasped as the water hit her skin. "Shit this is cold."

  Garrett leaned over, propping his weight up with one arm and reached out with the other to scoop a hand full of water up and splashing it on his face. Rayna bent her knees, washing her hands and arms free of the slime before walking to him and helping him wash. His skin was impossibly warm and slick and the more she rubbed her wet hands over him, and felt his muscles under her palms, the more she wanted to touch him. She pushed the thought away, helping him to wash away the remnants of the wolf. When his skin glowed, he looked up at her.

  "I have spare clothes in the truck, behind the seat. Can you grab them for me?"

  She smiled and walked out of the water, slipping her shoes back on before running back to the truck. She saw Jacob lying by the fire, his eyes closed. A quick search of Garrett's truck and she found several sets of clothes and an assortment of shoes. "His clothing bill must be outrageous," she said to herself as she grabbed a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, socks and boots.

  When she made it back to where she'd left him, he was gone. "Garrett?"

  "Over here."

  She turned to the sound of his voice. He was hidden in the shadow of the trees, lying on the blanket she'd dropped earlier. Making her way to him, she sank to her knees beside him. "Are you all right?"

  "Yeah," he said. "Just tired."

  She reached out, brushing his wet hair away from his forehead. His eyes were closed, his breaths taken quickly as if he were winded. He looked up at her before raising his arm, taking her hand and kissing her palm. "Come here," he said, tugging her down to him.

  Rayna lay down beside of him, molding her body against his. He sighed, his eyes once again closing before he nuzzled the side of her neck. His lips were warm as he brushed them against her skin and she realized then how hot his body was. He felt feverish. She touched his forehead, the side of his face and his chest, feeling the heat. "You're burning up, Garrett. Are you sure you're all right?"

  He nodded. "Hmm. My body temperature elevates in wolf form. It'll return to normal soon." She wasn't sure she believed him. She'd never felt anyone's skin so hot. He opened his eyes to look at her and smiled. "I'm fine, Rayna. I couldn't catch a cold if you sneezed in my face, let alone get sick from anything else. My metabolism and body temperature make it damn near impossible to be infected with anything. I'm already infected, remember?"

  "You can't get sick?"


  "Never?" He shook his head. "No flu bugs or stomach virus?"



  "What part of no aren't you getting?" he asked, laughing, pulling her body closer to him. "I can't get sick, ever, so stop worrying."

  She grinned and ran her hand over his chest, fingering one nipple and smiling as it tightened. He made a small noise in the back of his throat before brushing her forehead with his lips. His hand slid down over her ribs, resting on her hip before sliding behind her to her bottom. He pulled her to him, pressing her into his body. She felt him then against her leg, thick and hard. "I thought you were tired," she said, smiling.

  "Never too tired for you."

  Rayna ran her hand down his stomach and glanced up at his face. He was watching her, his gaze penetrating. She leaned back enough to get her hand between them and he sucked in a harsh breath when her fingers skimmed the head of his cock.

  His eyes fluttered closed as she wrapped her hand around him, fisting his hardened length in her palm. He moaned and threw his head back, his neck impossibly long. "Christ, Rayna, don't stop."

  Chapter 10

  Rayna stroked him from base to tip, watching his lips part before she leaned forward, burying her face against his throat. She sucked his flesh into her mouth, using her teeth on him lightly. His fingers wound in her hair, holding her head to him and she kissed her way to the side of his neck, up his jaw and across the stubble on his cheek. When he turned his head and opened his eyes, she smiled. "I take it you're feeling a little better."

  He made a sound deep in his throat before his mouth covered hers, his tongue slipping past her lips. Desire burned through her limbs, tiny sparks of need firing off nerve endings that caused her body to ache. She worked her wrist, continuing to stroke him as his kiss became more aggressive. His hold on her tightened, his fingers in her hair pressing into her scalp. When he reached down and grabbed her wrist, he broke the kiss.

  "Another minute of that and I'm done for," he said. "It's been too long."

  She looked up at him through her lashes. "How long?"

  He smiled. "Since you," he said. He pushed her hair away from her face, his fingertips brushing her cheek. "I didn't leave you for someone else, Rayna. I left you to keep you safe. It's the hardest thing I've ever had to do."

  "You could have told me."

  "And then I would have lost you forever. I may not have been able to be with you after I broke things off but you were still there. If I had told you what I was..." He sighed. "I couldn't take the chance. I would have rather loved you from a distance than not have you near me at all."

  Rayna's heart skipped a beat at his words. Did he just say he loved her? He kissed her cheek, the side of her mouth and chin before peppering kisses across her face. He didn't say another word and she knew then he didn't realize he'd said it. Did he mean it the way it sounded, though? Did he love her?

  He kissed her again, his tongue slipping between her lips, licking and tasting. He kissed her until her body burned and throbbed with need, heat pooling between her legs. His hand slid under the back of her shirt, his fingers dancing along her spine until he reached her bra strap. With one flick of his fingers, the material parted.

  "Let me see you," he said.

  She leaned back, pushing to her knees and lifting her shirt over her head before slipping her bra off. He smiled and made a small noise in the back of his throat before lifting his hand, his fingers teasing her nipples. When he looked up at her, she could tell by the look on his face what he wanted. "We don't have any protection, Garrett, so don't go getting any ideas. You can play. That's all."

  The smile widened. "Are you still on your birth control?"


  "Then we're fine," he said, sitting up. He kissed the side of her neck, his fingers tormenting her nipples until her entire chest
ached. "I can't catch anything, remember? No colds? No STD's?" He grinned as he palmed her breasts and looked up at her. "As long as your birth control is in order, we're fine."

  "Then why did we always use condoms?"

  He laughed. "You asked, so I wore them. It wasn't exactly something I could explain away, now was it?"


  He lowered his head, nibbling her breasts before sucking a nipple into his mouth, his tongue flicking across it and shooting sparks straight to her core. "I know you want me, Rayna," he mumbled against her skin. "Take these jeans off. It's been months since I've had you."

  She stood without hesitation and unfastened her jeans. He was propped up on one arm, watching her. The trees filtered the moonlight here but it was bright enough to cast him in silvery shadows. His gaze was intent on her, watching every move she made, and her pulse leaped as he raised his eyes to hers. No matter how awful he'd been to her in the past, she still wanted him. Had wanted him when he left her near tears and her heart aching for a kind word. The thought of those months made her pause as she stared down at him.

  "What is it?" he asked.

  Her shoulders drooped and her chest felt tight all of a sudden. She glanced away from him, staring at nothing, before looking back. "You're not going to decide I'm better off without you and chase me away again are you? Because I don't think I can handle giving myself to you only to have you hurt me again when this is all over."

  The look that crossed his face caused tears to burn the back of her eyes. "I'll never hurt you again," he said, softly. "And you'll have to beat me away with a stick to get rid of me." Rayna smiled. She could tell by the look on his face he meant it. When he tugged on the waistband of her jeans and helped her pull them down, she stepped out of them and sucked in a breath when he leaned forward, kissing her thigh before pulling her to stand between his upraised knees. His hands slid up the back of her legs, cupping her bottom as his mouth climbed higher. He nuzzled her through her panties, his breath hot against her.