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The Calling Page 14

  She heard the rustle of multiple feet running and leaned up, looking for Garrett. She saw him running toward her and was on her feet before he reached her. He grabbed her arm and pulled her through the trees, racing up the hill.

  The sound of voices and laughs caused her heart to race out of control. Another shot from the gun whistled through the trees and she screamed. They were being hunted. Her eyes burned with unshed tears.

  When they topped the hill, they both slid to a stop. Rayna panted for breath as she looked at the assembly of men waiting for them. She recognized Bryce and Caleb but the others she'd never seen before.

  "Finally," Caleb said, his bright blue hair shining under the sun coming through the trees. "Do you have any idea how much sleep I've lost since you rolled into town, Garrett?"

  Garrett's grip on her arm tightened before he took a step in front of her.

  "Well, I'll tell you," Caleb said. "It took an entire day to heal that lucky shot you got in on me and I certainly didn't get much sleep that night." He lifted the hem of his shirt, showing the bright red, ragged scar slashing across his stomach. "Looks good though, don't it?" He dropped the shirt and looked back up. "Of course, the moment I could stand, Malcolm insisted on me chasing your worthless ass all over this mountain until I found you and we both know how that turned out, but I'm almost glad it was a stalemate otherwise I wouldn't have been rewarded the way I was. Catching you with your pants down, literally, was the highlight of my year. I lost sleep last night too." He grinned and said, "You know I had to watch. We all did."

  The chorus of laughter that followed his comment made Rayna's stomach turn. They had been seen? These men watched while her and Garrett...

  "Great show by the way, Garrett," Caleb said, grinning. "Who knew you could get a girl that worked up. Do you think she'll scream for me when I fuck her?" His leer was obscene and the moment he stuck his tongue out and wiggled it at her, Garrett jumped.

  "Garrett!" Rayna screamed as Bryce lifted the gun. The sound it made as it went off caused her scream to echo long after Garrett hit the ground. She fell to her knees by his side, but was jerked up by her arm a moment later.

  "Don't get too close, sweetheart," Caleb said, pulling her to him. "We want to make sure he's out incase he comes up fighting. I'd hate for him to hurt you."

  Garrett didn't move. He was face down on the leafy forest floor and the tears she'd been fighting slid down her cheeks. When Bryce took a step toward Garrett's prone form and lifted the gun again, she barely managed to scream, "No!," before he shot him again. The same odd-looking dart that had been shot into Jacob stuck from Garrett's back. She wasn't sure what it was but as quick as he'd gone down, she assumed it was some sort of powerful tranquilizer.

  Caleb stuck his foot out, placing it on Garrett's shoulder before giving him a couple of rough shoves. When Garrett didn't move, he motioned for Bryce, who bent to one knee and flipped him over. The first dart was in his neck.

  "You almost missed him," Caleb said. "What the hell would you have done if you had, besides bleed to death, when he gutted you?"

  Bryce looked up, anger shining in his eyes. "It wasn't me he was coming after, Caleb. It was you and your big mouth."

  Caleb snorted a laugh and held Rayna's arm tighter. "Take him back to the main house. Leave the kid. We have no use for him. I'll bring the girl."

  "She can ride with this one," Bryce said, standing.

  "She could," Caleb said, turning to look at her. "But I'd rather take her myself." His smile was lewd and a chill ran up her spine when he raked his gaze over her body.

  Her stomach twisted into a tight knot and she tried to take a step back away from him but his hold on her arm tightened. She couldn't have spoken if she needed to. It was apparent to her something was going on that she probably didn't want to know about. She had a bad feeling and her stomach turned at the thoughts running through her head.

  "She goes with this one, Caleb."

  Caleb took a step toward Bryce and she saw his eyes bleed from pale blue to wolf amber. He growled, the sound dull and threatening and Rayna held her breath as her pulse raced. "Since when do you give the orders, Bryce? I'm second in command. You do as I say!"

  "You may be Malcolm's second, but I don't think he'll be too pleased with what you're planning."

  "And how do you know what I'm planning?"

  Bryce made a small, "Hmpf," noise before lifting the gun slightly. "I'm not stupid, Caleb. We all know the only reason you made us sit all night and watch those two was for your own sick reasons and I also know why you want the girl alone. Now take her to the truck or I swear, I'll shoot you and leave you out here. I don't think Malcolm will be pissed when he finds out why."

  The rumbling growl grew louder and Rayna could tell by the look on Caleb's face he didn't like being ordered around, especially by Bryce. His fingers tightened around her arm, the sting causing a small whimper to escape her throat, and it was enough for Bryce to lift the gun and point it at Caleb.

  "Either walk her to the truck or let her go."

  Caleb stared at Bryce for long minutes and Rayna was sure Bryce would have to fire that gun. She wanted him to if Caleb's plan for her was what she thought it was. Getting raped by some sex-starved werewolf while Garrett was unconscious and unable to help her caused the bile in her stomach to rise. The fear she'd felt when topping the hill and seeing these men multiplied ten-fold as the minutes slowly ticked by. When Caleb finally let go of her, she sighed in relief and fought the urge to run to Bryce's side. He was still one of the bad guys in her book but at least she knew he was trying to protect her to some extent.

  The other men finally walked forward and lifted Garrett from the ground. She watched them, her chest aching as they none to gently carried him down the hill. When she looked at Bryce and he motioned her forward, she gave one last glance at Caleb. His gaze was on her, those bright amber eyes burning into her. She turned and followed the others, hoping this nightmare would soon be over.

  Chapter 12

  Much to her surprise, once they reached Malcolm's house Rayna had been led to her room and told to shower and change. That was over two hours ago. There was constant commotion in the house. She could hear voices and smell food and as much as she wanted to get out of there, find Garrett and Mitch and run, it was useless. They'd locked her in and nothing she did would budge the door.

  The room looked exactly as it had the last time she was in it and the gun she'd packed into the inner pocket of her suitcase was still there. She'd dressed in jeans and a loose fitting button-up silk blouse and left it to hang over her pants. The gun was tucked into the waistband of her jeans at the small of her back. If she were lucky, no one would find it. If she weren't, their chances of getting out of there were dwindling by the second. She had no idea where they had taken Garrett. Not in the house, she was sure. If he was, then Malcolm was an idiot. Surely he knew Garrett wouldn't let them hurt her.

  The thought of that made her stomach cramp. Malcolm wanted to infect her. To turn her into a werewolf. Her sudden burst of laughter at the idea echoed off the walls. Two days ago she hadn't believed in the existence of werewolves. She believed in them now. She had a two-hundred-pound furry boyfriend to prove they existed. And now it looked like she was going to be joining the tall, dark and scary club. The fear alone left her numb. Malcolm had said the bite would only hurt for a minute. But what about after that? What happened to the body once infected? When her bones started to shift and changed? How much pain would that be? According to Jacob, a lot.

  Voices in the hall caught her attention and she leaned back against the wall and listened. It was Malcolm and whomever he was talking to was getting an ear full. He didn't sound happy.

  The doorknob jiggled before she heard the tumbler inside the lock turn. Malcolm opened the door. He was dressed in a suit that looked expensive, his hair was neatly combed and even though she hated to admit it, he looked quite nice.

  "Ms. Ford," he said, smiling. "I'm glad to see
you safe and sound."

  "I wouldn't exactly call me safe. I'm being held against my will."

  "Everything will be fine, I assure you." He pushed the door open wide and continued to smile at her. "I have a meal prepared for us. If you would like to join me?"

  She wanted to refuse but the very mention of food caused her stomach to growl. She hadn't eaten since the dry rabbit the day before. Pushing away from the wall, she pulled her shirt down, concealing the gun, and walked to where he stood. "After you," she said.

  "Nonsense," Malcolm said, bending his arm and offering it to her in a gentlemanly fashion. "I would be honored to escort you."

  She rolled her eyes at him, ignoring his offered arm, and walked past him into the hall. Bryce was there, leaning against the opposite wall. His gaze was averted but she saw him glance up at her as she passed him.

  The bottom floor of the house was packed with people, or more specifically, werewolves. She had no doubt they were. They looked human enough but after everything she'd seen, she knew better. She looked at the faces of everyone she passed trying to see if she recognized any of them. Judith was the only one that looked familiar to her.

  A hand suddenly landing on her back caused her to nearly jump out of her skin. She whirled around to see Malcolm's startled face and she took a deep breath before letting it out.

  "I didn't mean to frighten you," he said. "I merely wanted to direct you to the dining room."

  She took a step back, keeping her eye on those standing in the foyer. "Then point the way. You don't have to touch me to do that."

  "Very well. Right this way."

  He motioned toward the hall and she stared at the faces of those she passed. She didn't know why they were all there. Unless they came to watch the big girl pee her pants when some hairy, slobbering werewolf attacked her.

  The dinning room held another group of people. These looked much more important than the ones in the hall. Their clothing alone told her that and smiles lit their faces when she entered the room.

  They were dressed as nicely as Malcolm was, some better. The men's suits appeared to be tailored and the few women in the room looked ready for a grand ball. Evening gowns that sparkled under the lights made her feel way under dressed.

  A table large enough to sit twenty people took up the center of the room. Fine china in white and gold was placed on a tablecloth of blood red. Crystal goblets sparkled under a multitude of candles that sat in ornate candelabras scattered around the room. The lighting was subdued and, if she only admitted it to herself, made everything look very elegant. Malcolm may be an evil werewolf but he sure knew how to throw a party.

  Malcolm stopped beside her and she took a step to the side, putting distance between them. "Ms. Ford," he said. "I'd like for you to meet our guest. Most of them have traveled a great distance to meet you."

  "I don't want to meet your friends, Malcolm."

  "I'm sure you will be most intrigued," he said. He took her arm, just above the elbow and she wanted to pull from his grasp. The multitude of curious gazes stopped her from doing so.

  The people in the room watched her curiously as Malcolm led her toward the front of the room. When he stopped, she gritted her teeth as she stared at everyone looking back at her.

  "My friends," Malcolm said, "Welcome. I'm sorry for the delay but we had a few problems in our plan that we didn't foresee but all is well now." He released her arm and smiled. "I'd like to introduce Ms. Rayna Ford. She's the woman we've chosen to handle our transition into the world. She was quite skeptical at first but I'm sure she'll be more inclined to accept the rest of what we have to show her."

  A man toward the back of the room walked forward and Rayna raised one eyebrow at him. He was tall, strongly built with wide shoulders and his hair was as black as Carmen's. His suit was light gray, the coat left unbuttoned. His shirt was black and the way the light shined against it, she assumed it was silk. He was quite attractive, had the most intense green eyes she'd ever seen but one look at him told you he didn't like the outdoors. His flesh was the palest shade she'd ever seen. The sunlight hadn't hit this man in ages.

  He stopped just short of her and, never breaking eye contact with her, bowed his head slightly. "Ms. Ford," he said. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Sabriel."

  Malcolm took a slight step forward, just enough for her to see his face. He turned his head toward her and smiled. "Sabriel has traveled half the globe to join us this evening. He too is eager for our venture to succeed."

  "And what venture is that?" Rayna asked.

  Sabriel nodded his head and glanced at Malcolm. "To see our kind brought into the public light."

  "You're kind?" She tilted her head slightly. "You're a werewolf also?"

  He smiled and when he did, Rayna gasped when she saw his teeth. "No," he said. "I'm not a shifter. I'm a Vampire."

  Two perfectly sharp canines glistened as he smiled and as hard as she tried, she couldn't stop staring. She glanced up, met his eyes briefly and looked back at his teeth... and laughed. She laughed until his smile faltered. He looked stunned and glanced at Malcolm before turning his attention back to her. Regardless of what was happening to her, Rayna wasn't completely rude. She stifled the laugh and cleared her throat. "I'm sorry," she said. "You just caught me a bit off guard."

  Sabriel glanced at Malcolm, his eyes narrowing. "I thought you explained to her what it is we all want? Or have you deceived us all? The benefits of this venture were to all breeds, not just the wolves."

  "And as I told everyone, Sabriel, there were complications. The discussion of exactly whom it was she would be helping didn't quite happen."

  Sabriel turned his attention back to her. "Exactly what were you told, Ms. Ford?"

  "That werewolves existed and they wanted to go public."

  He straightened and threw a glance at Malcolm. The whispers in the room grew then. "Werewolves aren't the only breeds, Ms. Ford. We are many in number. I represent the vampires and the others you see here are representatives of their breed. There are many who do not wish to be known but, like the wolves, some of us grow tired of hiding. The shifters number in the thousands and only a small portion of the breeds are present."

  "What do you mean by breeds?" she asked. He turned his head and peered at the room and as every person present slowly made their way to her and introduced themselves, her world expanded just a little bit more. Learning werewolves existed had shaken her to the core. Meeting a vampire, fangs and all, had startled her, but after the shock Malcolm had given her when she arrived, Sabriel's announcement seemed like trivial information. But now, as she stared up at the human faces that greeted her and learned that not only did werewolves exist but also werelions, weretigers, and werelepards, her world grew to astronomical proportions. She shook her head and grinned. "So, we have lions and tigers and... leopards? I thought it would be bears."

  "The bears couldn't make it."

  Rayna shot a look to Sabriel when he spoke and laughed until her stomach ached. "Please tell me you're joking." That fanged smile greeted her again and his face lit up. She'd thought him attractive before but the mirth shining in his eyes made him damn near beautiful. Her pulse raced just a little bit faster as she stared at him and she found it hard to look away. His gaze roamed her features, down the line of her body, and her skin felt warmed with his brief glance, as if he'd touched her flesh with that fleeting look. A small shiver raced up her spine, her stomach clenching delightfully and she shook her head, looking away from him. The sensation left as quickly as it came when she did.

  "As I said," Sabriel added, "only a small portion of breeds are represented this evening."

  "I see." Rayna looked at everyone, ignoring Sabriel's gaze, as they continued to stare at her and movement at the back of the room caught her attention. Her eyes widened moments later when she saw who was standing in the far corner. "Mitch!" She pushed past Sabriel and the others and ran to him, sliding to a stop when he shrank back from her. She stared at him, watchin
g him turn his face toward the wall. "Mitch?" When he did nothing but ignore her, she took a small step closer. "Are you all right?" she asked. She touched his arm and he pulled away.

  "Don't touch me, Rayna."

  She closed the remaining distance between them. "Mitch," she whispered. "I've been worried about you. Are you all right?"

  He laughed. "Define all right?"

  He turned his head to look at her and Rayna noticed his bloodshot eyes. His skin looked pale and she'd never seen him look so distraught. "What did they do to you?"

  "What didn't they do?" he said, glancing across the room. She looked over her shoulder, noticing the others watching them and turned back to Mitch and whispered, "Garrett is here. He's going to get us out."

  "Garrett?" he said. "As in Kincaid?" At her nod, he added, "What the hell is he doing here?"

  "Long story," she said. "But he'll come get us."

  "Where is he now?"

  Sleeping off the tranquilizer, probably. "He'll be here soon," she said, hoping she was correct and fearing she wasn't. "The boy Jacob was trying to help me escape as well. As soon as they get here, we'll go home."

  He shook his head, his eyes filling with tears. "I can't go home, Rayna. Not after what they've done to me. They turned me into a monster."

  Her heart ached as she watched him and gripped his arm in her hand. "Every thing will be okay. I promise."

  "Nothing will ever be okay. Not now." Mitch looked over her shoulder and she turned, seeing Malcolm at the head of the table. He was watching her. When he smiled and straightened, she knew he wanted her attention.

  "Ms. Ford. Mr. Pierson. If you both would like to join us."

  "Actually I wouldn't," Rayna said.

  His smile remained as soft murmurs whispered across the room. "Please, join us," he said. "Our meal is getting cold."

  The people in the room started taking their seats, leaving the two beside Malcolm empty. She assumed those were their assigned seats. When the last person sat and Malcolm continued to stare at her, she sighed and turned back to Mitch. "Let's go get this over with." She took his hand and led him to the table, letting go of him to take her seat. Once they were seated, Malcolm looked down the table.