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Wicked: The Complete Series Page 17

  He sighed and looked at Mick when he draped his arm around his shoulder.

  "You're an asshole."

  What?" Mick laughed. "You want her, don't you? And now you know she's single."

  "That's beside the point."


  Christian stared across the bar in the direction she'd gone and let out a long breath. "Because I'm not sure she wanted me."

  "You just weren't fast enough, my friend," Mick said. "You spent all your time talking when you should have had her pressed into some dark corner with her skirt up around her ears."

  Christian shook his head and laughed. "I'm sure a girl like that would just love to have her ass shown to half this bar while I fucked her silly in front of anyone looking our way."

  "You can't ever tell," Mick said. "The girl might be a freak and would have ridden you right up here on the bar!"

  "Somehow I doubt that."

  "And now you'll never know. Seriously though, you do know what your problem is, don't you?"

  Christian sighed. "No, but I'm sure you're going to enlighten me."

  Mick grinned and nodded. "You think too much," he said. "You let that little voice in the back of your mind tell you you're making a fool out of yourself and by the time you realize you aren't, the girl you want has already moved on. You need to lighten up a bit. Get over the whole shy thing and just go with the flow more."

  "Easy for you to say. I'm not like you or the others, Mick. I actually care what a woman thinks of me."

  "Why? Worrying about the small shit doesn't get you anywhere near a decent piece of pussy. It just leaves you in your hotel room, alone, beating off to the first available porn you can get your hands on."

  Christian laughed. "So that's all its about then? Getting laid?"

  "Noooo," Mick said, grinning. "It's about getting laid anytime, anywhere, with any girl your heart desires." He turned and gave Christian a long look and tilted his head to one side. "I can show you how, you know."

  "Show me what?"

  Mick grinned. "Do you trust me?"

  "Never," Christian laughed.

  "What if I told you I could have any girl you wanted eating out of your hand and begging for more?"

  "I'd say you drank one too many tonight."

  "You want to bet on it?"

  "What do you have in mind?"

  "Come with me. We need to have a little talk."


  3 months later

  "You're definitely not in Kansas anymore," Jessi said to herself as she stared in awe at the hotel's lobby. Crystal chandeliers cast the entire area in soft, golden light. The sound of running water from the fountains overpowered the din of voices and the scent of fresh flowers saturated the air.

  She smiled as a young man gathered her bags and motioned her forward. She followed him in a daze to the elevators, waiting while it traveled to the bottom floor.

  "That's the same look I had on my face when I got here."

  Jessi turned her head and grinned. "Faith!" Her oldest friend laughed and Jessi threw her arms around her, hugging her tightly before stepping back. "My God, you still look twelve!"

  Standing just over five foot tall, Faith braced her hands on her hips and scowled. She was still tiny and looked like a china doll with fair skin, short black hair and large green eyes. She was petite but with enough sensual curves to turn the head of every guy looking her way. She wasn't a classic beauty but add in the quirky attitude, a distinct southern accent and she was definitely one of the cutest girls Jessi had ever known.

  "I do not," Faith said. "Name one twelve year old with boobies this big?"

  "Uh, Sandy Rogers did."

  "Did," she said. "Name one now."

  "Do I have to?"

  Faith grinned. "No."

  "How long have you been here?"

  "Since yesterday," Faith answered. "Wait until you see the rooms Joan reserved for us."

  "Well if they're anything like this hotel."

  "They are," Faith said.

  The elevator doors opened and Jessi entered behind the man with her bags, followed by Faith. She stared around the interior of the enclosure. Glass walls gave a scenic view of the entire hotel and she took it all in before Faith moved to stand beside her.

  "This town is amazing, Jess. I haven't seen this much neon since the Jody Burger got the new flashing sign out by the highway."

  "The Jody Burger is still in business?"

  "Believe it or not," Faith said.

  "I don't."

  Faith turned and leaned back against the glass. "Wait until you see the hotel. There's more nightclubs, bars and restaurants than I could count, not to mention fancy shopping boutiques and a casino all right here on the premises. Oh, and the wedding chapel is inside the hotel, too," she said. "It's the swankiest thing I've ever seen. Makes my daddy's church look like an outhouse."

  Jessi grinned. "I'm sure the Reverend would love to hear you referring to his sanctuary as an outhouse."

  "It's the truth," Faith said. "Besides, it's not like he'll ever find out I said it."

  "That sounds like the Faith I know," Jessi said. "You're not planning on going buck-ass wild this week are you?"

  "Are you going to tell on me if I do?"

  "No." Jessi grinned. "What happens in Vegas..."

  "Stays in Vegas!"

  The elevator doors opened and the girls followed the man with the bags out. The floor they'd stopped on looked much like the lobby. Fountains and an open reception area filled with live plants and flowers.

  "Definitely swanky," Jessi said, mimicking her friend.

  "Aint it though?"

  They walked through the small reception area, Faith babbling a mile a minute when Jessi saw someone out of the corner of her eye coming toward her. She turned her head to look and stopped dead in her tracks.

  "Well, well, well. Small world, isn't it?"

  Jessi forced a smile on her face and took a calming breath. "I didn't think it was, but now I'm beginning to believe otherwise."

  "How you been, doll?"

  "Great. And you?"

  "Never better."

  Jessi saw him glance at Faith and remembered her manners. "Mick, this is my friend, Faith Weston. Faith, Mick Sheppard."

  "Oh, I know who he is," Faith said. "I'd have to be deaf and dumb not to."

  Mick grinned, the piercing in his eyebrow lifting slightly when he did. His gaze lingered on Faith for long moments before he looked back at her. "So, what are you doing in Sin City?"

  "Working," Jessi said. "A friend from college is getting married and I get the honors of taking the wedding photos."

  "Is it all work and no play then?"

  "I'm here all week. I'm sure I can find something to get in to."

  "I'm sure you can," he said. He gave a quick glance to Faith and smiled. "If you're looking for a little fun I can help you out. Would you ladies be up for a concert?"

  Jessi smiled when she felt Faith jab a finger into her back. "When?"

  "We're playing tomorrow night. I'm sure Christian would love to see you. I may even be able to find a special card just for you."

  At the mention of "card", Jessi felt her face burn hot. The night she'd run into Christian and he presented her with the card from their pick-up game came back to her in a flash. She still couldn't believe she'd kissed him. Proof enough that lonely and alcohol didn't mix but she didn't regret it for an instant. She'd finally had her small taste of him and now, the band was here. Which meant Christian was here. In Vegas.

  "What do you say?" Mick asked, interrupting her thoughts.

  "Um, I'll have to check with Joan and make sure she hasn't planned anything yet."

  "She hasn't," Faith said.

  "Then I'll take that as a yes."

  Jessi's stomach tightened. The thought of seeing Christian again caused her pulse to race suddenly. She'd replayed that night in Chicago in her mind a hundred times since then and wondered if Christian would ever call her. She'd be lying i
f she said she hadn't been waiting. She had and every day he didn't call left her feeling a tiny bit bereft. She looked up at Mick and smiled, trying to keep her voice neutral. There wasn't any reason to let him know he'd just made her entire week. "A definite maybe."

  "I'll take it. I will leave you lovely ladies a few passes at the main lobby downstairs. See you tomorrow."

  He walked away as quickly as he came and Jessi took a deep breath, turning her head towards Faith. Her friend was grinning widely. "What?"

  "You know him?" Faith asked.

  "Not personally. I took photo's of the band in New York a few months back and ran into them again in Chicago not long ago."


  "And what?"

  "Come on, Jessi. Don't hold out on me. That was Mick Sheppard!"

  Jessi laughed and motioned Faith forward to the man standing not far from them waiting. "Let's go to the room and I'll tell you everything."


  Christian was startled when the door suddenly slammed and he turned his head, watching Mick walk across the room. The smile on his band mates face screamed trouble.

  "What did you do, Mick?" Devin asked.

  "What makes you think I did something?"

  "That shit eating grin, maybe?"

  Mick laughed and looked at Christian, raising one eyebrow. "I ran into an old acquaintance of yours," he said, flopping down on the sofa.


  "A hot little number by the name of Jessi McClure."

  Christian felt his face burst into flame at the mention of her name. His pulse started to race and his throat dried in an instant. His last meeting with her played in fast-forward through his memories and he was breathless by the time Mick started talking again.

  "She's in the hotel and will be for the rest of the week."

  "Jessi?" Holly said. "Who is that?"

  "The photographer from New York."

  "Oh, the one who kissed Christian in the pick-up game," Roxy said, grinning.

  "How do you remember her?" Luke asked.

  Roxy gave him a look and smiled. "I remember every girl you check out."

  Luke feigned hurt, holding a hand to his heart. "I haven't checked out another woman since I laid eyes on you, sweetheart."

  "You don't lie much either, do you?"

  Luke grinned and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her down into his lap.

  "Are you sure it's her?" Christian asked, getting Mick's attention.

  "Oh yeah. I talked to her," he said. "She's here for some wedding."

  "Not her own, I hope," Devin said.

  "No. She's just taking the pictures."

  "Are you going to give her a call, Christian?"

  Christian looked over at Devin when he spoke and shrugged one shoulder before standing and walking to the window. He stared out at the city, watching the traffic but not really seeing it.

  Since the night he'd ran into Jessi in the club months back, he hadn't been able to completely forget about her. He'd see her in his dreams, hear her phantom laughter and wonder if he'd ever get the chance to see her again. The temptation to call her was great but, if he was honest with himself, he knew he was too chicken shit to do it. What if she was just being nice when she said to call her? She'd kissed him but he could blame that on the card. He'd asked for it, after all.

  Ever since that night, Mick had taken a personal interest in the way he approached women and, as much as he hated to admit it, his friend had helped. Whether that was a good thing or not was still to be seen but for the most part, talking to a girl didn't leave him choking on his own tongue now. Of course, those were girls who he hardly thought of once they left his sight. Jessi was a different story altogether. He hadn't seen her in months and just thinking about her made his palms sweat. And he still didn't have the balls enough to pick up a phone and call her.

  "No need for him to call her," Mick said, answering Devin's question. "I invited her to the concert tomorrow."

  Christian turned his head and looked over his shoulder. "You invited her to the concert?"

  "Yeah. Her and her hot little friend."

  "Figures," Devin said. "Let me guess. Five foot six, blonde, with a rack you could serve drinks off of?"

  Mick laughed. "Oddly, no. More like five foot, if even that, with black hair." He grinned and stretched out his legs, lacing his fingers together and laying them on his stomach. "And a rack you could serve drinks off of."

  "What?" Devin laughed. "You can't be serious."

  "Absolutely. She was a gorgeous little thing with a southern drawl that made my dic..." He paused and seemed to notice the girls in the room. "Uh, she was cute."

  "What happened to `all women are evil and I must stay away from them?' I thought you'd sworn off women after the ride Jennifer gave you."

  "Evil they may be but even I like to tempt the devil every now and then."

  Christian moved away from the window and lightly kicked Mick's foot until he had his attention. "Did Jessi say she would be there?"

  "She said `maybe' but by the look on her friend's face, they'll be there."

  Jessi is going to be at the concert, Christian thought, the first stirrings of nerves clawing its way through his limbs before Mick raised an eyebrow at him. He turned to hide the smile wanting to surface and wondered what would happen when he did see her. If he did. She said maybe. Maybe didn't mean yes. It didn't mean no, either.

  Her face materialized in his mind's eye and the smile he'd been holding back turned the corner of his mouth. He was going to see Jessi and this time, he wasn't going to let her get away.


  Jessi knew five minutes after entering the arena she'd worn the wrong shoes. Why she felt the need to "dress up" was beyond her. It was a concert, not a date, yet, even as she thought it, she knew better. She knew the night would turn out to be beyond her wildest imagination. It was the entire reason she'd tried on every outfit she'd brought with her to Vegas and still ended up in the boutiques in the hotel plaza digging through racks of clothes.

  She'd talked herself out of a dress and was glad for it after being pushed through a throng of people in the backstage area. Her ass would have been shown ten times over by now but the crowd didn't help the fact the high heel boots she'd worn were dangerous. She'd stumbled twice now and was half tempted to ditch them and go barefoot. If it weren't for having her toes stomped into the concrete, she would have.

  They made it to the end of the hall, with the help of a very large man who met them in the parking lot. Mick, bless his heart, had not only left them back stage passes but a limo to carry them to the arena. Faith had been babbling non-stop since they picked up the passes and Jessi couldn't help but be happy for her friend. It wasn't everyday something as exciting as this fell into her lap. She was just happy she could give her a night to remember.

  The man who escorted them into the building stopped at the last door in the hall and knocked. The noise in the hall was deafening and Jessi wondered if these people worked for the band or were just fans.

  The door opened moments later and another man as large as their escort swung it wide and ushered them in. The noise from the hall was blocked as the door shut behind them.

  Jessi scanned the room, letting her gaze fall on everyone inside and took a deep, calming breath when she didn't see the band. She didn't realize how nervous she was until that moment. Why she was so nervous was more disturbing than the fact she was.

  A girl who looked vaguely familiar smiled over at her and stood from her chair, walking across the room toward them.

  "Hey. Jessi, right?"


  "It's nice to see you again," she said. "I'm Holly Baker, Devin's girlfriend."

  "We've met?"

  "Yes, sort of. I was at the shoot you did for the guys in New York."

  Jessi nodded her head and smiled. "I thought you looked familiar."

  "And who is this?"

  "Oh," Jessi said. "I'm sorry. This is my friend, Faith. Mick i
nvited us both. That's okay, isn't it?"

  Holly laughed. "What the guys want, they get," she said. "If Mick invited you no one here would object. Not that it would do them any good if they did. For a bunch of guys, they're prima donnas. Fussy and demanding. They get exactly what they want."

  "Sounds like your typical rock star."

  "You have no idea," Holly said, laughing. "The guys are about to go on. Roxy is waiting for us by the stage. Follow me."

  Jessi and Faith followed her out the door and were led past the group of people milling around in the hall. The light dimmed the further they walked and by the time they'd reached the stage wings, you could barely see the person standing next to you.

  The stage was blazing with lights, the opening act already in place and pumping up the crowd. The chants and shouts of the people in the audience echoed through the building and the excitement level seemed to rise with every second that passed. They rounded a corner and were ushered behind the stage.

  Jessi saw Christian immediately.

  He was smiling, talking animatedly to a woman who was busy fussing with his hair. The dimple in his cheek was the only thing about him she recognized. His hair looked darker and she couldn't tell if it was the low lighting or if it was indeed a darker shade. It was tousled about his head and looked as if he'd just crawled out of bed. Gone were the collared shirts and white sneakers she remembered always seeing him in. Black jeans, a tight white t-shirt that showed a bulge of muscles she wasn't aware he had and heavy black boots encased his feet. He looked like a completely different person. Even the way he stood was different. He looked-confident. Sure of himself. Everything about him seemed so intense, she found her breath catch when he turned his head and looked her way.

  The smile on his face grew the moment he spotted her and she smiled as he made his way through the small crowd that had gathered behind the stage and came toward her. When he stopped in front of her, she looked up and took a deep breath.