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Wicked: The Complete Series Page 19

  "I'm sorry," Christian said, grabbing another stool and sitting down. "Now that I have you all to myself, I don't have the faintest clue what to talk about."

  Jessi laughed and stared up at him. He was smiling again and that dimple in his cheek caught her eye. Christian still had that "boy next door" quality about him regardless of a new wardrobe and attitude but the newfound confidence apparently wasn't a permanent thing. He seemed as shy as he always had in that moment.

  "How about the basics, then?" she asked, trying to think of something to say. "Age, family and personal goals."

  "Too easy," he said, turning to face her and propping his elbow on the bar. "Twenty-four, only child of Gail and Keith Palmer. I grew up in Logan, Kansas and personal goals? What most everyone wants, I think. To make a fortune and find someone to share it with."

  "I would think you've already made your fortune."

  "I have." He smiled and grabbed his drink. "I just need to find someone to share it with now."

  He stared at her as he lifted his glass and took a drink. "What about you?"

  "Twenty-five, eldest child of Margaret and Gerald McClure. I grew up in a tiny little town in Georgia and personal goals-to be the best photographer the world has ever seen. and to find someone to share my fortune with."

  "Which is more important?" he asked. "Making your fortune or finding someone to share it with?"

  "I think it'll be a while before I make my fortune so I'll say finding someone to share it with."

  He stared at her then and Jessi felt her pulse start to race. She smiled and took another sip of her drink. Whatever he was thinking caused his eyes to darken, the blue shining like brilliant sapphires.

  "And how are you going about finding this person?" he asked. "I haven't had much luck myself in that department."

  His voice was a hoarse whisper and Jessi's heart fluttered. "Personal interviews, mostly."

  He laughed and leaned toward her. "And what requirements are you looking for?"

  "Well, someone who is already financially stable," she said. "I can't have some man who just wants me for my millions."

  "Can't have that," he grinned. "I have a little bit in the bank so I'm good there. What else?"

  "Um, reasonably attractive. I'm prone to photograph people around me and I need someone pleasing to look at."

  He looked down at himself and shrugged his shoulder. "You'll have to be the judge of that one."

  "Oh, well you pass on that one with flying colors," she said, grinning. "Besides, I already know you photograph well." The corner of his mouth tilted into a half smile and she wasn't sure, but she thought she caught a glimpse of a slight blush staining his cheeks.

  "All right. What else?"

  "Someone who is easy to talk to."

  He sat up straight in his seat and grinned. "Ah, well I blow that one all to hell. Try not to hold it against me when you make your final decision. Next?"

  Jessi laughed and wracked her brain for something else. Christian was still staring at her and she was finding it difficult to think. A slight breeze was blowing and she could smell the soap on his skin, the shampoo he'd used and a slight hint of spicy cologne. The air was lifting the corner of his shirt, pulling it away from his chest. He wasn't a large man but no way did he have the body of a mere boy. He was cut. Tight, sinewy muscles that reminded her of a swimmers body. lean, hard and with enough dips and curves to make her want to know how he'd feel under her palms.

  Her limbs heated moments later and her stomach clenched delightfully. The rum filled coke Roxy had given her was having the desired effect and loosened her up a little. She looked at his face, the slope of his cheekbones and his wide, even mouth. His lips looked soft and she remembered how they felt against her own. Remembered how he tasted and the way his body trembled slightly under her hands.

  She stared at his lips and smiled. "A definite must is-that he be a good kisser."

  "Is that right?"

  "Absolutely," she said, a little breathlessly. "You can tell a lot about a person by the way they kiss."

  They stared at one another until Jessi found it difficult to breathe. His gaze lowered to her mouth and she swallowed to moisten her throat. She'd led him straight in to that one and when he didn't make a move toward her, she felt her cheeks heat from embarrassment.

  "Would you like to go to the cottage?"

  Her heart skipped a beat. Was he asking what she thought he was? He smiled at her, his lashes lowering as he looked down the line of her body and she felt as if she were melting. "What for?" she asked stupidly.

  "What for?" He stared at her for long moments and she saw something pass over his face. A quick flash of emotion she wouldn't have caught if she hadn't been staring at him. "I want you," he said. "I have from the moment I laid eyes on you back in New York."

  Breathe, Jessi. Nice, even breaths.

  Jessi stared at him, letting her gaze roam his features. He had the most honest face she'd ever seen and when she looked at his eyes, she saw nothing but open longing. He did want her, but for what? Just to sleep with her or for something more?

  Don't think, Roxy had said. Take her advice. Don't think about it. You want him, right? She spent four hours getting ready for something, didn't she?

  She sat her half empty glass on the bar and stood up in front of him. "Lead the way."

  The look that crossed his face told her he was expecting her to say no. That fact alone led her to believe that he didn't proposition groupies on a nightly basis. He looked too shocked. Or maybe it was just that she had said yes. Whatever the reason, she wasn't going to lie to herself. She did want him. Had wanted him since first meeting him.

  He didn't say a word, just stood and took her hand, lacing her fingers in his and turned, leading her back toward the cottage. When they reached the door, Jessi saw Delilah a few paces away and couldn't resist the urge to smile at her. The look on the blondes face when she did was enough to send a burst of arrogance surging through her limbs. She wasn't catty, usually, but something about that girl rubbed her the wrong way.

  Christian led her into the cottage and let go of her hand, shutting the door behind them. Jessi took a moment to look around the room. It was similar in style to her hotel room, only bigger. This looked more like a suite, complete with separate bedroom. She could see the bed from where she stood and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly before turning around to face Christian. He was leaning back against the door watching her.

  "So," she said.


  She glanced away and wondered where to start, looking back at him when he asked, "Are you nervous?"

  "Surprisingly, yes," she said.

  "Well, that makes two of us."

  She raised one eyebrow and smiled. "You didn't look nervous when you asked me to come to the cottage with you."

  "That's because I've learned how to hide it."

  "A lesson you've mastered beautifully."

  He nodded. "Doesn't help so much now though."

  They stood staring at one another until the air thickened with tension. Jessi wasn't sure what to say or do to break it. He was apparently more nervous than he let on. He hadn't let go of the door handle yet.

  She knew if one of them didn't make the first move, they'd be standing there come morning. Taking a deep breath, she held his gaze and walked to him, sliding her hands into the open shirt and flattening her palms against his stomach.

  His eyes fluttered closed for a brief second before opening again. Jessi leaned forward, placing a soft kiss to his throat. She could see his pulse beating a frantic tattoo against his neck. His chest was rising quickly, his breaths taken in harshly and she leaned back enough to see his face. "Why are you so nervous?" she asked softly. "Is it because of me or the fact we're even here?"

  "Both," he said.


  He nodded and for the first time all evening, she saw his face light with color. He was blushing. He averted his gaze the next instant. This was the Chri
stian she knew.

  "Why both?"

  She saw him swallow and glance at her before taking a deep breath and releasing it. He gave her a brief smile and looked her in the eye. "You, because I've never wanted anything more in my life. Here, because."

  "Because why?" she asked when he stopped talking.

  His face flamed bright crimson, his ears turning pink. He cleared his throat and whispered, "I." he sighed heavily, his chest lifting with the effort and looked down. "I haven't ever…"

  "You haven't ever what?"

  The silence stretched for long moments, the noise from outside filtering into the room. Jessi wasn't sure he was going to answer and wondered if he was having second thoughts.

  "I haven't ever been with anyone. Not completely."

  He whispered so softly she nearly didn't catch what he said. She stared at him, watching him look at anything but her before raising her hand. She hooked a finger under his chin and tilted his head up so he would look at her. "Did you say you hadn't ever been with anyone?"

  He nodded.

  "What do you mean?"

  He looked away, his shoulders drooping until it seemed as if all life fled from his body. She stared at him, letting the words rattle through her head. I haven't ever been with anyone. Not completely. Her pulse raced when she finally understood. "You're a virgin?"

  He didn't answer but the look on his face told her she was right. He could have slapped her silly in that moment and she wouldn't have been more shocked. She stared at him and tried to get her vocal chords to work but they were frozen.

  A dozen questions rushed through her mind in that moment but the main one was, how? He was twenty-four years old. He was a freakin' rock star! Was it even possible to be a rock star and still be a virgin? The look in his eyes gave her the answer. It was. For whatever reason, Christian was still a virgin.

  He looked mortified as she continued to stare at him and her heart constricted, her throat growing tight with emotion. The how and why of it was pushed to the back of her mind as she remembered the first thing he'd said. He wanted her. Had wanted her since the first time he met her. Out of every girl he came into contact with while roaming from city to city, she was the one he wanted. The one he'd waited for.

  She leaned forward, taking his lips in a soft kiss. His body was stiff under her palms and she ran her fingers across his stomach, feeling the muscles quiver. She pulled back and looked at him. "Is this what you really want?"

  "Yes," he said. "I may be ignorant in a lot of things but I know what I want. I want you."

  She stared at him for long moments and smiled before taking a step away from him. She held her hand out to him, waiting until he reached for it and took a step backwards, pulling him away from the door. She led him to the bedroom, glancing back at him once before stopping at the side of the bed.

  When she faced him and let go of his hand, she wasn't sure what to do. She hadn't ever slept with a virgin but she remembered when she herself was one and her first time. It was scary, terrifying and exhilarating and she'd felt like a clumsy fool for days afterwards.

  She wouldn't have relived that moment for anything.

  Lifting her leg, she grabbed her boot and pulled it and her sock off, tossing them aside before grabbing the other. She smiled at him as he stood there watching her before she grabbed the hem of her blouse and pulled it up and over her head.

  He sucked in a small breath then and she snapped the button on her pants and unzipped them, sliding them down over her hips and kicking them off. When she was left in nothing but her bra and panties she stepped toward him, raising her arms and sliding his shirt off his shoulders. It joined the growing pile of clothes on the floor.

  "You are allowed to touch me," she said when he just stood there staring at her. "It won't exactly work if you don't."

  His face was red again and she reached forward, grabbing his hands before closing the distance between them. "Close your eyes."

  The blue of his eyes were blotted out when his lashes lowered. Jessi pulled his arms around her waist and raised her own, wrapping them around his neck. "Don't think about anything," she said. "Just feel."

  She kissed him, a slow lingering caress of her lips against his own. He deepened the kiss immediately and Jessi felt his hands skim her back, sliding up her spine and into her hair. The tension in his shoulders relaxed the longer she kissed him and the stiffness in his posture let go moments before she felt his fingers on the back hook of her bra.

  He unsnapped it and broke the kiss. Jessi looked up at him when he grabbed the straps and slid them down her shoulders.

  The bra was tossed aside and she stood motionless while he stared at her. Her nipples hardened under his gaze and heat burned through her limbs.

  Christian could hear Mick inside his head, his friend's "lessons" repeating themselves in rapid succession. He glanced up and saw Jessi watching him. He was surprised she hadn't run screaming from the room by now. She'd seemed nervous when they entered the cottage but once his dirty little secret was out, she took control of the situation and he'd never be able to thank her for it. He wasn't completely clueless but something about her caused his brain to stop working. His throat tightened until he couldn't breathe and his limbs froze as if he were paralyzed.

  She was still watching him, waiting patiently. He felt like such an idiot in that moment and wondered if everyone felt like this the first time.

  "Are you okay?" she asked.

  "Yes," he said. "I was just wondering why you hadn't left yet."

  The smile she gave him warmed him clear to his toes. "I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to be." She lowered her arms, running her hands over his shoulders to his chest. She leaned back and he was finally able to get a good look at her.

  Her skin was tanned to a warm, honey brown. He could still see the tan lines from the bikini top she'd sunbathed in. It left the majority of her breasts pearly white, her nipples rosy pink. He sucked in a breath and raised a hand, cupping one in his palm before flicking her nipple with his thumb.

  "You're more beautiful than I imagined."

  She smiled. "And how often have you imagined me half naked?"

  "You wouldn't believe me it I told you."

  "And what else have you imagined?"

  He felt his face burn hot then. "You have no idea."

  "Then show me." She pulled away from him and turned, crawling onto the bed before laying back. Her hair was spread against the blanket, fanning out around her head in shiny silken strands. She raised her arms over her head, her breasts lifting invitingly. "Don't think about it, Christian," she said. "You can't do it wrong."

  Seeing her like this was like reliving a dream. How many times had he seen her like this? Lying on his bed, waiting for him. The fear started to crawl back up his spine, his blood racing through his veins. She smiled and bent one knee, resting her foot on the bed before spreading her legs.

  His breath left in a rush at the sight.

  "Come here."

  Christian took a deep breath and turned, bending his knee and placing it on the bed. He crawled up her body, biting his tongue to silence the groan of pleasure trying to escape when she spread her legs wider and pulled him to her.

  Jessi knew he'd never get through this if she didn't do something to help him along. The moment he was settled against her, she wrapped her arms around him and took his mouth with a desperation she hoped he'd reciprocate. He did, a moan easing past his lips as he pressed her into the mattress.

  His tongue slid past her teeth, licking at her own until her breath was cut short. He had one hand on her hip, his fingers digging into her flesh and within seconds, his reserve seemed to shatter. His hands scorched her skin, the warmth of his mouth peppering kisses across her chin to her neck before he ducked his head and took one peeked nipple between his lips.

  She cried out, startled, and opened her eyes when his hand slid up her body to cup her breast. She watched him, running her fingers through his hair and holding him to
her. His teeth closed over her nipple and her eyes closed as a moan slipped past her lips. "Christian."

  The clothing still separating them was removed and they fumbled with a condom until her body ached with need. Before she could catch her breath, he was pushing inside. They stilled for long moments, both staring at the other before Jessi raised her legs, wrapping them around his waist. She gave him a lazy smile, her hands buried in his spiky locks and pulling his head down to her. "Don't stop now," she whispered against his lips. "You've finally gotten to the good part."

  He returned the smile and kissed her, thrusting his tongue back into her mouth as he did the same with his hips. His rhythm was erratic at first but evened out, the length of him filling her in slow, grinding motions.

  The world slid away, nothing was left but the feel of his flesh against her own and the sound of his breath panted out near her ear. He moved against her with a slow listless pace. His hands touching and caressing her until she trembled with every stroke.

  She looked up at him. The look on his face as he stared down at her took her breath and made her stomach clench. His eyes were filled with tenderness, passion burning so deeply she felt it pierce and penetrate the very core of her.

  He lowered his head and rested his forehead against her own, his fingers tickling a path down her side. Her eyes widened when he placed a hand between them, finding the moist flesh between her legs and stroking her clit.

  Her gasp was caught with a kiss, his fingers working in time with the thrust of his tongue and hips. Heat prickled her flesh, her stomach clenching. A hot wave of heat exploded through her body moments later and she cried out from the intensity and was thrust into tides of pleasure that rippled through her limbs. She heard him hiss something under his breath, his hand sliding out from between them before his body shuddered, his hips jerking in a frenzied pattern as he climaxed.

  When he stilled, Jessi stared up at the ceiling, trying to catch her breath. The air was cool against her moist skin and she shivered, a small tremor spiraling through her limbs until she felt drunk and languid.