Wicked: Leather and Lace [Wicked Series Book 2] Read online

Page 4

  "Getting out of here,” he said. “And you're going with me."

  "Luke! I'm wearing a dress. You're going to show my ass to half of New York!"

  His hand landing on her bottom wasn't exactly the remedy she was looking for.

  Roxy could only squirm as the sidewalk rushed by under her face. Her hair swung down his back and she had half a mind to pinch his ass just so he'd let her go. Getting dropped on her head didn't sound like such a bright idea, though. So, she hung there, listening to his fan club call his name while she did her best impersonation of a potato sack.

  When he stepped off the curb, her eyes widened when her feet hit the pavement. Straightening, she shoved her skirt down her legs and lifted a hand, pushing her hair away from her face. “I didn't know you were such a caveman, Luke. You cease to amaze me."

  "I'm used to taking what I want,” he grinned.

  "I've noticed,” she said. “So am I and right now, I want to go back to the hotel."

  "As you wish,” he said, smiling down at her. He reached behind her and she turned, noticing the limo. It hadn't been there moments ago.

  She didn't wait for an invitation to get in.

  When she was seated, Luke crawled in behind her, shutting the door and blocking out the sights and sounds of the crowd. He slid closer to her, throwing his arm over her shoulder, and Roxy raised a brow at his smiling face before moving to the opposite end of the limo.

  With the entire length of the limo between them, she inhaled deeply, closing her eyes and letting the entire ordeal wash over her in a rush. When she opened her eyes, Luke was staring at her. The bastard had nerve enough to sit there and smile at her like everything in the world was perfect. Her irritation grew the longer she looked at him.

  "In case I forget to tell you,” she said. “I had a wonderful time tonight."

  He laughed. “Sarcasm doesn't become you."

  Roxy rolled her eyes, crossing her legs and tucking her crossed arms under her breast. She stared out the window to avoid his gaze. “Neither does playing second fiddle to the orchestra you've had playing all night."

  "Are you jealous?"

  An unladylike snort escaped her before she could stop it. “Not hardly. I could care less,” she lied.

  "I think you are."

  She ignored him, focusing her attention on the passing scenery outside the window while the jealousy he obviously saw ate away at her. This was her night, damn it! Her once in a lifetime date with Luke Harris, her ultimate fantasy, and it was ruined. Ruined by a throng of women who caused her to become invisible in his eyes.

  Taking a deep breath, she let it go slowly. She should have just taken her ten-minute quickie in the dirty back alley of that club and been done with it. It was obvious Luke was too popular with the ladies for him to settle on one for an entire evening, regardless of the fact he'd asked her out to begin with. She wanted to laugh at the thought. Some date.

  When she saw him move out of the corner of her eye, she resisted the urge to turn her head and look at him. He was still staring at her, that much she could tell. His features were hidden behind the inky blackness inside the limo but she could see him well enough to know his gaze was on her. He was still sitting with his arm draped over the back of the seat, his legs outstretched and open. His head was tilted to one side and she had to wonder what he was thinking. Probably that you're a jealous, psycho fangirl, she thought miserably.

  "I'm sorry."

  "You should be,” she said abruptly, keeping her attention on the window.

  "Want me to make it up to you?"

  She laughed. “No thanks. If this is what a date with you entails, I'll pass in the future."

  He moved then and Roxy turned to look at him. He slid off the seat and she watched in fascination as he crawled the length of the limo toward her. When he stopped in front of her, she locked eyes with him, raising one eyebrow in question.

  "I really am sorry,” he said, reaching out and grabbing her knee, unhooking her crossed legs before spreading them wide and crawling in between them.

  Roxy let out a small gasp at the action and leaned back, her palms flat on the seat beside her. “What are you doing?"

  "I'm going to make up for our ruined date,” he said, leaning toward her.

  When his lips captured hers, Roxy felt the tension in her body melt away seconds after his hands ran up the length of her legs and disappear under the edge of her skirt.

  His kiss was intoxicating and it took every ounce of control she had not to grab him, toss him to the floor, and ride him like the stud he was. Her fingers curled into fists and she dug her knuckles into the leather seat to keep from reaching for him.

  He broke the kiss with a nibble on her bottom lip, his teeth clamping down on it and tugging slightly. Pain, laced with a sudden rush of heat, swam through her veins before he sucked her lip into his mouth. Roxy didn't know whether to moan or cry.

  So this is how he liked to play?

  His curious fingers tickled her legs, burning a trail to her hips. When he grabbed her panties, jerking them down, Roxy gasped in surprise.

  Luke sat back, pulling the tiny scrap of lace down over her thighs and the look on his face was one she'd never forget. He looked like a kid on Christmas morning. His eyes sparkled and that tiny half smile lifted the corner of his mouth.

  When her panties slipped to her knees, she remembered her promise to Holly and came to her senses, clamping her legs together. “Luke! We're in the back of a limo."

  "So,” he said, pulling the material forcefully. “No one can see us and Bobby is paid to drive. He'll do so until I tell him otherwise."

  Before Roxy could protest further, her panties were tossed to the floor, her skirt pushed up over her hips, and Luke had her bottom pulled to the edge of the seat.

  Her first thought was, what would Holly say? Thoughts of her friend didn't last long, though. Not when Luke suddenly spread her legs wide, bent at the waist, and dropped his head to the heat between her legs.

  "Oh my god,” she hissed as the first flick of his tongue was felt against her flesh. Her eyes rolled back and she couldn't do anything but lie against the seat and try not to babble like an idiot.

  Luke took his time teasing her with small nips and licks until she was shivering with the need for more. She glanced down at him and caught her breath. The sight of him between her legs, his face buried in her pussy, nearly did her in.

  How many times had she imagined this? The vision of him nestled between her legs playing in slow motion in her head while she used her own fingers to get herself off.

  This ... was not a dream.

  The entire act took less time than she would have liked. The first tingle of waves ran up her spine seconds before he impaled her with two fingers, curling them inside her while the pointed tip of his tongue flicked against her clit.

  She was undone.

  She arched her back, his lips clamping down over her, and she screamed while holding his head to her and fucking herself against his hungry mouth and fingers. When the last spasm raced through her body, she fell boneless against the seat, panting for breath.

  Luke breathed in the scent of her, pulling his fingers from her and sliding them against her swollen flesh. Her skin glistened in the filtered lights coming from the windows and a glance at her face left a satisfied smile on his own. She looked completely sated, drugged from his attentions, and he could have sat there watching her all night.

  Her chest rose rapidly, harsh breaths panted out between her lips, and her hair was covering half of her face. He leaned forward, running his hands up her thighs and buried his face in the cleavage peeking out of the top of her blouse. The flat of his tongue tasted her sweet flesh before he rained kisses up her throat and over her chin to her lips. “Am I forgiven,” he whispered against her mouth.

  He grinned when she nodded her head.

  "Good,” he said. “Now kiss me."

  She opened her eyes to look at him, and he grew hard in an instan
t. He'd never seen such a look of hunger directed at him before and he barely had time to process it before she launched herself at him.

  He staggered from the impact, wrapping his arms around her waist and caught himself from falling backwards.

  Roxy straddled his hips, her arms around his neck, and he moaned at her aggressiveness. Her fingers crawled up his scalp, wound into his hair and tugged the strands at the roots. The sting burned clean down to his toes and caused his cock to throb painfully.

  She forced her tongue into his mouth, holding his head to her, and all he could do was hang on and enjoy the ride.

  Luke shrugged his shoulders, letting his coat slip down and looked up when Roxy broke the kiss and pulled the leather off of him. The coat was tossed across the floor of the limo, his shirt following moments later.

  Soft, small fingers burned a trail over his chest and Luke grabbed her around the waist, turning, and sliding into the seat with her straddling him before recapturing her lips.

  He kneaded her bare bottom in his hands, tilting his head to drink in her kiss. Her fingers were once again in his hair, her teeth nipping at his lips and he couldn't remember the last time he'd wanted to fuck someone so bad. His balls ached, his cock twitching inside the confines of his pants, and he couldn't get close enough.

  Roxy broke the kiss, trailing her lips over his chin to his neck, sucking and nibbling his flesh. A bite hard enough to rip a hoarse cry from him nearly caused him to loose it and he grabbed her head, pulling her back before he came in his pants like a teenage boy.

  "Let me see you,” he said, tugging at her blouse.

  Roxy had just sat back and grabbed the bottom of her blouse, pulling it up to reveal a see-through white bra, when a voice broke the silence inside the limo.

  "Luke. Curt has been trying to call you for the last fifteen minutes. Better answer your phone, man."

  Turning his head, Luke looked at the glass separating the back of the limo from Bobby. The window was down enough to see the top of the driver's head. A glance up at Roxy and Luke sighed.

  Whatever lust-induced trance she'd been in was gone. Her eyes were wide and that blouse she was about to take off was firmly back in place.

  She scrambled off his lap, pulling her skirt down and running her fingers through her hair.

  His cell phone rang seconds later. He looked around the dark interior of the limo, trying to see where the ringing was coming from and leaned down, grabbing his coat from the floor. A quick search and the phone was in his hand. Three missed calls showed on the display.

  Connecting the call, he said, “What,” letting his irritation come through his voice.

  "Where the hell are you?” Curt asked. “I've been calling you for the last half hour."

  "Gee, Dad. I didn't realize you cared."

  "Cut the crap, Luke. You aren't supposed to be out of the hotel."

  "And what makes you think I am?"

  Curt laughed. “Because every paparazzi within a ten block radius has vanished and all the other guys are here."

  Luke rolled his eyes.

  "I've instructed Bobby to bring you back to the hotel. You shouldn't be more than a few blocks away now,” he said. “Get rid of whatever piece of trash you have with you. Don't you dare bring her back here."

  Luke ground his teeth at Curt's remark, glancing over at Roxy. He hoped she hadn't heard him. The girl would probably rip the bands manager a new asshole if she had. Of course, she'd have to beat him to it first. Curt needed to remember he worked for them, not the other way around.

  Disconnecting the call, Luke tossed the phone on the seat beside him, turning his head to look at Roxy. “Looks like play time is over,” he said. “At least until we get back to the hotel."

  Her eyes blazed hotly, a long sweeping glance of her eyes roamed over him before the look was gone. Grinning, he slid across the seat, reaching out and pulling her into his side.

  Nuzzling the side of her neck, he whispered, “I want to see the rest of you."

  Roxy didn't have time to respond. The limo came to a stop and Bobby, the driver, tapped on the window. “We're here, Luke."

  The limo door opened a moment later and Roxy blinked as light flooded the once dark interior.

  "Fun time's over, Luke. Let's go."

  It was Curt. Roxy blushed when the band's manager took a long look at both of them.

  "Curt,” Luke said, “You remember, Roxy, don't you? Holly's friend?"

  "Oh,” Curt said, sounding surprised. “I do."

  Luke grinned.

  "Um, I'm sorry about what I said then,” Curt said.

  Roxy raised one brow at him. Curt glanced away from her and, she couldn't be sure, but he looked almost embarrassed. “What did he say?” she asked, turning to look at Luke.

  "Nothing worth repeating,” he told her, reaching down and grabbing his coat from the floor.

  Roxy slid to the edge of the seat, her butt sticking to the leather, and immediately searched for her panties. She saw them lying beside Luke's shirt. Curt was still looking at her and if she grabbed them, he would know exactly what they had been doing. Not that he didn't already. The inside of the limo reeked of sex.

  Deciding the embarrassment wasn't worth it, she pulled her skirt down, made her way to the open car door, and exited the limo.

  She didn't wait for Luke.

  Walking quickly, she rushed into the hotel but stopped short at the sound of angry voices. Glancing over her shoulder, she spotted Curt and Luke on the other side of the thick glass doors. By the look of them, neither man was happy right now. Their faces were red and both of them were yelling.

  Shaking her head, she avoided the stares of everyone in the lobby and made her way to the elevator, hitting the “up” button and watching the lighted numbers count down as the lift made its way to the bottom floor.

  "We have a full day tomorrow, Luke. We can't have you looking like a hung over rock star for the photo shoot."

  Roxy turned at the sound of Curt's raised voice and watched the men enter the building. A glance at the elevator and she knew the lift wouldn't get there before the men reached her.

  "I'm not twelve, Curt. I don't need to be told when to go to bed,” Luke said, loudly.

  "Hurry up,” Roxy whispered, watching the numbers.

  When the doors finally opened, she hurried inside, hitting the button for her floor. The door was almost closed when someone stuck their hand in, and held it open.

  "Trying to get away?” Luke asked.

  When he stepped in the elevator, Roxy was surprised to see him block Curt's entrance. When the doors closed on the band's manager, Luke turned to face her.

  He'd left his shirt behind, throwing his coat on over bare skin. His hair was mussed where her fingers had rumpled the long strands and his gray eyes glowed with amusement.

  "Ever had sex in an elevator?” he asked.

  "No,” she said. “Have you?"

  He raised an eyebrow at her and grinned.

  "Don't answer that,” she said, taking a step back when he moved toward her. He backed her against the wall, lifted his arms and put his palms flat on the wall beside her head.

  "What if my answer was no?"

  "I'd think you were lying."

  He leaned down and kissed her. Roxy sagged against the wall, fighting the urge to touch him. She knew once she did, letting him walk away when those doors opened would be impossible.

  There wasn't a doubt in her mind that if Curt hadn't interrupted them, she'd be butt naked in the back of that limo having the best sex of her life right now. She didn't know whether to thank the man or beat him senseless for it.

  She'd promised Holly she'd not sleep with him. Their little tryst in the limo almost made a liar out of her. She'd been fully prepared to have her way with him until Curt's call.

  If Holly only knew how hard that promise was to keep, she wouldn't have asked it of her. Why it was still so important was beyond her. She'd done as asked ... she'd played hard to get
and Luke had asked her out. Wasn't that enough? Surely Holly didn't expect her to be chaste the entire week. She only had a few more days before she had to leave and return to her life in L.A. If she kept acting like a prude, she'd go home with nothing but a few stolen kisses and the memory of him on his knees with his head between her legs.

  She shivered at the thought and broke the kiss. A cool draft blew across her wet lips and she glanced over Luke's shoulder. The elevator doors were open.

  "This is my floor,” she said.

  He made a sound deep in his throat acknowledging her, his eyes intent on her face. “Stay with me tonight.” He lowered his head again, his lips nipping her chin and crawled across her cheek to her ear. “I want you, Roxy."

  She groaned inwardly and whispered, “I can't."


  Why? Holly. Roxy was glad her friend wasn't there at the moment. She'd probably beat the girl stupid if she were. Why had she agreed to this harebrained idea? “I just can't."

  She slipped past him before he could say more and practically ran from the elevator. It was hard to think when he was so close.


  She stopped walking and stared at her hotel door. If she just kept going and ignored him, she'd be okay. She could go inside, forget seeing the desire in his eyes, and eventually fall to sleep. Maybe.

  When he said her name a second time, she sighed and turned around.

  Luke was leaning against the door of the elevator, holding it open with his shoulder. His right foot was crossed over his left ankle and that leather coat gaped in the front and showed her enough skin to make her want to lie to Holly.

  "Come here,” he said.


  He tilted his head, laying it against the elevator door. “Because I want you to."

  Jesus, how can anyone be so sexy standing still! Roxy walked back to him, keeping her eyes locked with his. When she stopped in front of him, he reached out, pulling her to him.

  He didn't say anything for long moments, just stood there staring down at her with his arm around her waist. Roxy could barely breathe from the look he was giving her. The desire she'd seen earlier was still there but something else lurked behind it. A subtle tenderness she'd never noticed before. The longer she stared up at him, the more his facial features seemed to change. The harsh lines softened and he looked younger. The cocky, sex starved rock star slid away and someone else stepped in his place. A man who looked vulnerable. A man she wasn't expecting to be there.