Wicked: The Complete Series Page 12
“Come here,” he said.
He tilted his head, laying it against the elevator door. “Because I want you to.”
Jesus, how can anyone be so sexy standing still? Roxy walked back to him, keeping her eyes locked with his. When she stopped in front of him, he reached out, pulling her to him.
He didn’t say anything for long moments, just stood there staring down at her with his arm around her waist. Roxy could barely breathe from the look he was giving her. The desire she’d seen earlier was still there but something else lurked behind it. A subtle tenderness she’d never noticed before. The longer she stared up at him, the more his facial features seemed to change. The harsh lines softened and he looked younger. The cocky, sex starved rock star slid away and someone else stepped in his place. A man who looked vulnerable. A man she wasn’t expecting to be there.
When he leaned down and kissed her, it was a bare brush of lips. Long, lingering, gentle strokes of his tongue against hers and the intimacy of it was more intense than anything they’d shared in the past hour. It left her breathless.
The minute the contact was gone, she stood there, her eyes closed, letting the moment penetrate her memory. She wanted to remember that kiss. One she knew not many women had received from him.
When she opened her eyes, she watched as the cocky rock star slowly came back. The sparkle in his eyes returned and the tiny half smile curved the corner of his mouth.
“You can’t fight me forever,” he said. “I know you want me.” His arm tightened around her waist. “I’ve tasted it.”
Roxy felt a ripple of pleasure race up her spine at the memory of his taste, her vaginal muscles clamping down moments later. “Have you been able to seduce every woman you’ve wanted?”
“Yes,” he said. “Until you. Why is that?
“I thought men liked a challenge.”
“Most do.”
“Not you?”
“I love a challenge,” he grinned. “Especially when sex is involved.”
“And what makes you think you’ll win this time?”
His gaze swept over her face, his hand sliding down her back and cupping her bottom. “I can see it in your eyes.”
Roxy grinned. “That isn’t my eyes you have your hand on,” she said.
He chuckled, leaning down to give her a quick kiss. “Are you coming to the photo shoot?”
She shrugged her shoulder at him. “I don’t know.”
“Do,” he said, letting go of her.
Stepping away from him, Roxy smiled before she turned and walked to her room. Unlocking the door, she opened it and turned her head back to the elevator. Luke was still standing there watching her.
“Good night.”
“It won’t be,” he said.
“Why’s that?”
“I’ll be sleeping alone.”
Roxy laughed and walked into her room, shutting out the temptation of Luke and his unforgettable touch.
The photo shoot was organized chaos. People were bustling around the large loft setting lights, props, and shouting out demands that sent people scurrying across the room.
The guys were grumpily being fussed over, make-up artists and hair stylists working like busy little bees to make sure each of the band members looked as fresh and camera perfect as they could.
Roxy emptied a packet of sugar into her coffee cup, stirring it to dissolve the crystals, and picked it up once her hands were steady enough.
She’d woken from a sleepless night looking like she’d tied one on. Her eyes were puffy, her mouth dry, and a mood so ill, even she didn’t want to be around her.
The reason for her sleepless night was currently watching her.
“I don’t know why you’re so mad at me,” Holly said, crossing her arms under her breasts. “You agreed to the plan. I didn’t twist your arm, you know.”
“You might as well have,” Roxy said.
“It’s working, isn’t it?”
“That’s beside the point.”
“No, its not,” Holly laughed. “You have Luke chasing after you now. It’s working exactly like we wanted.”
“Why is this so important to you?” Roxy asked, tilting her head to one side. “I mean, really? Whether I sleep with Luke or not doesn’t affect your love life in the least. You still go to bed every night with Devin tucked in beside you and wake up with him every morning. Why is my non-existent love life even an issue?”
“Because,” Holly said, whispering as loud as she dared. “As much as you want Luke, there’s no reason for you to let him fuck you silly and walk away thinking you’re just another slut he banged.”
Roxy stared at her friend, watching as a barrage of emotions crossed her face. She loved Holly like a sister. They’d known each other since high school and they’d always been there for each other. Looking at her now, she knew Holly was just doing what they’d always done for each other. They watched each other’s backs and made sure they didn’t make a mistake that would haunt them forever and she knew, no matter what she wanted from Luke, if he just walked away from her without a backwards glance, she’d feel like a cheap slut.
Roxy sighed before smiling. “I love you, Holls.”
“I know,” Holly grinned, closing the distance between them and wrapping her arms around her. “And I promise you, all your torment will be worth it.”
Holly stepped back and both girls looked to her left when Luke and Devin approached them.
“I didn’t know you girls swung that way,” Luke said running a curious look over both of them. “Mind if I watch?”
“I mind,” Devin said, reaching out and wrapping his arm around Holly’s waist. “You’re not seeing my girl naked.”
“I’m not seeing mine either, apparently.” Luke said quietly, his gaze sweeping over Roxy.
Roxy hid her smile behind her coffee cup as Luke stared at her. Her restless night had really been his fault, not Holly’s. Thoughts of him kept her awake until well into the morning and when she finally dozed off, dreams of him left her grumpy and horny by the time the sun filtered around the edge of the closed curtains.
Her grumpiness was starting to ease off though, seeing Luke stand there in his leather. His hair was shining under the bright lights of the photographer's studio, those incredible abs were peeking through his open coat, and the look he was giving her made her stomach tighten in the most delicious way.
“Let’s get moving, people. I have other things to do today!”
Roxy turned to the photographer when she yelled, noticing the way people rushed to do exactly as she bid them to. The girl was young, pretty, and the way she walked spoke of her confidence. She directed people, barking out orders, and people followed without batting an eyelash.
Everyone but the guys.
They were still standing around talking, taking in the action with an uninterested eye, and it wasn’t until Curt tried to gather them all together that the photographer turned and smiled.
“I appreciate your desire to be the most important people in the room,” she said, “but please understand… you’re not. I am. Now, if you four gentlemen would like to move your precious asses to the front of the room, we can get this over with quickly.”
Roxy grinned, liking her instantly. That is until she spotted Luke out of the corner of her eye. His attention was suddenly on the petite girl in the center of the room. When he walked away without a backwards glance, she watched him while red-hot jealousy burned clean to her toes.
So, Holly had been right all along. Luke would have thought she was just another slut he banged. And it looked as if he’d already found his next prey. The asshole.
Knowing every emotion she felt was showing on her face, she put her back to the room, busying herself with refreshing her coffee.
She listened half-heartedly while little miss sassy pants barked out orders. Getting the guys into position was proving to be more work than the photographer wanted. Good.
br /> “Push his hair away from his face and open the coat. I want to see that six-pack he’s sporting.”
Roxy rolled her eyes at the comment and resisted the urge to turn around. She could just imagine the look on Luke’s face. That cocky grin was no doubt in place, his head tilted to one side while he gave the girl his best, “I want to fuck you look.”
“What the hell is that? Make-up!”
She did turn then. Everyone’s attention was on Luke. And the huge, purple bite mark on his neck. A mark she had put there.
Roxy’s eyes widened at the sight of it.
Like synchronized swimmers, every member of the band, Curt, and Holly turned to look at her.
“What?” she said innocently, her gaze darting to each face before landing on Luke’s. She was right. The smirk was there, even the head tilt, but he wasn’t looking at the photographer. He was looking at her.
“My girl likes to play rough,” Luke said with shrug of his shoulders.
Holly appeared beside her, grabbed her arm, and hissed quietly, “Roxy! You told me you didn’t sleep with him.”
“I didn’t!”
“Then how did he get that?”
Roxy grinned when Luke winked at her and she turned, putting her back to the room. “How the hell do you think he got it?”
“What did you do?”
“I’m not telling,” Roxy said, pulling her arm free.
Holly stared at her, her brows knitted in concentration. The corner of her mouth twitched, a smile trying to form, and Roxy laughed. “I swear to you I didn’t have sex with him.”
“That bright red blush covering your face tells me you’re lying,” Holly grinned.
“I’m not,” Roxy said. “But things did get a little… intense.”
“As in?”
“As in none of your business,” she said, remembering the previous night in perfect clarity. “I didn’t sleep with him, though. Wanted to, but I didn’t.” Roxy saw Holly turn her head back toward the guys and laugh.
“You should see the smug look on Luke’s face.”
“I can imagine,” she said. “Those guys probably already know what went down.”
“Care to elaborate?”
Roxy snorted a laugh. “No.” The fact Luke seemed to enjoy a little pain and was a naughty boy wasn’t anyone’s business.
“Hey, do you realize Luke called you his girl?”
Roxy turned to look back at Luke. He was getting fussed over by the make-up artist who was trying to cover the bite mark. He was talking to Mick, and she could tell by the look on his face he was bragging about something. He isn’t the type to kiss and tell, is he?
“He did, didn’t he?”
“Twice, actually.”
A glance back at Holly and she raised one eyebrow. “Does this mean I can finally give it up?”
Holly gave her a lopsided grin. “That’s all you’ve thought about since we boarded the plane in L.A. isn’t it?”
“Of course. Was getting naked with Devin not on your mind?”
Holly laughed. “Look at the man,” she said, nodding her head in Devin’s direction. “Wouldn’t you?”
Roxy turned, facing the guys. They were all worth getting worked up over. They were as different as night and day, but each one was a scrumptious piece of eye candy, and their personalities made people want to be near them.
Devin—the life of every party. He was the guy who drank too much and ended up playing the bongos naked while a crowd of onlookers cheered him on.
Luke—the lover. The man oozed sex and every woman he set his sights on found herself happy at the end of his cock… or tongue.
Christian—the quiet, sweet, boy next door. He was tall and lean and had the face of an angel but the devil lurked in his eyes. That boy was hiding a bevy of dirty little secrets that just begged to be explored.
Mick—the rocker. Multiple tattoos, a host of body piercings, and a harsh attitude. He was the one your mother warned you about. The bad boy everybody wants but is too afraid to go after.
Yeah, they were all worth it in their own little way. The band name suited them to a T. They were wicked. Every last inch of them.
When the make-up artist finished and stepped away from Luke, the photographer grabbed her camera, snapped a few pictures, and studied the guys. Within minutes, loud music filled the studio and the whole atmosphere in the room changed.
The guys looked like pros. They knew how to move, how to reach the camera with a look, and watching them made Roxy realize she was witnessing something hundreds of people would pay to be a part of. To get a glimpse into the lives of their idols. To be a part of something no one ever got to see.
“She’s great, isn’t she?”
Roxy turned her head, looking over at the boy who spoke. He was short, waif thin, and was staring at the photographer. He couldn’t have been a day over ten. “Uh, she seems very professional,” she answered, looking around him for Holly. Her friend had moved closer to the action. She glanced back at the boy and tried to think of something to say. “Has she been doing this long?”
He nodded his head. “A few years and she’s the best there is. My opinion doesn’t count though.”
“Oh? Why’s that?”
“She’s my sister,” he said, smiling. “She says it doesn’t matter what we think, only what the customer thinks. I’m John.”
“It’s nice to meet you, John.”
“You too,” he said. “Jessi said these guys were rock stars and probably a pain in the butt. She said she needed me today.”
Roxy laughed. “They most certainly can be. So, do you work for your sister or just hang out when rock stars are around?”
“I hang out when mom lets me or if Jessi needs help. She shoots more than just rock stars, you know. She does a lot of commercial work too.” He grinned suddenly, the smile lighting up his eyes. “She has a shoot scheduled right after she’s finished here. With chickens.”
Roxy raised an eyebrow. “Chickens? Live chickens?”
“Yeah. A new ad for some fast food restaurant. There’s a whole mess of them in the back. Jessi left me in charge of them while she worked with these guys.”
John had no sooner gotten the last word out when Roxy heard them. The clucks and squawks of chickens. She turned her head, looking behind her and grinned. “John, one of your friends is out.”
A chicken in the back of the room ran past the crates lined along the back wall. Its wings were outstretched and it strutted across the room like it owned the place.
Before Roxy could comprehend what she was seeing, one chicken turned into two, then three, before the entire back area was covered with the small creatures. She laughed at the scene. How often did you see chickens in a public place?
“Oh no!” John said. “I thought I got the cage latched.”
He ran to the back of the room, his little legs carrying him right into the middle of the small flock. The moment he reached them, the unexpected happened. The startled chickens scattered and raced across the studio.
Roxy could only watch with wide eyes as the chickens ran straight for the front of the room. One minute, the guys were posing and looking sexy as hell, the next, they were jumping and laughing as the birds rushed onto the photo shoot set.
Every assistant who worked for the photographer ran, scattering in every direction, trying to catch them. It was a scene straight from a movie.
Mick and Devin stood still, shooing the birds away when they got too close while Christian tried to help. He grabbed one and dropped it the next second when the bird pecked at his hand. Holly and Curt got into the act while Luke made a beeline for her.
“Exactly the distraction I was hoping for,” he said when he reached her. He grabbed her hand and dragged her toward the back of the room and into the maze of props and wooden crates.
When they reached a darkened corner, Roxy was backed against the wall and barely had time to look up when Luke kissed her. The noise in the room vanished, her earlier t
houghts of him looking for someone else gone in a blink of the eye. There was nothing left but the feel of him pressed against her, the taste of his kiss, and the sudden warmth traveling her limbs.
He broke the kiss, his breath warm against her lips. “Meet me tonight.”
It wasn’t a question. His persistent lips let her know as much. “If it’s going to be a repeat of last night, then I’ll pass,” she said.
“I thought you enjoyed yourself last night.”
“Some of it I did, but I’m not going to be pushed to the back of the crowd while your fans molest you.”
“You won’t be. I promise,” he grinned. “Come on, Roxy. I’ve waited four days to have you. I’m beginning to think you don’t want me.”
Roxy stared up at him. There was a hint of mischief in his eyes and she smiled when he pulled her closer to him.
“It will just be me and you tonight,” he promised.
Just the two of them? Alone? Visions of them alone danced in her minds eye and a pleasant ripple of anticipation trickled down her spine. She relented without much thought. “And how should I dress?”
His eyes sparkled. “In your birthday suit?”
She laughed. “I’ll think about it.”
“I hope you do.”
“Where and when?”
His smile widened. “I’ll have Bobby pick you up. Curt has us all over town today doing interviews, so I’ll meet you there.”
“Meet you where?”
“You’ll see when you get there.”
With a parting kiss that left her weak in the knees, Luke was back into the middle of the chicken chase. Roxy watched him skirt around a few of them and head straight to Curt who was doing his best to look like he was helping.
Of all the guys, Christian was the only one actually doing anything to try and catch them. Of course, the glances he kept giving the photographer, Jessi, may have been the reason. The shy bass player was in the middle of the fray, easing his way toward her, his cheeks flushed. Was it from exertion or embarrassment? With Christian, it was hard to tell.
Turning to find Luke, Roxy watched him lean back against the wall, one foot raised and propped on the wall behind him. He said he wanted her naked. There was no way in hell she would travel around New York in her birthday suit, but she could make sure what she hid under her clothes would entice him. It looked like she was in need of another shopping trip.