Wicked: The Complete Series Page 13
“Go all the way to the top floor,” Bobby said. “I have to pick the guys up in half an hour, and Luke had a stop he wanted to make first, so I’ll have him here in a bit.”
“Thanks, Bobby.” Roxy closed her fist around the key he had given her and existed the limo. She stared up at the building as he drove away. It looked like an apartment building but all the glass made it hard to tell.
Walking in the door, she stopped when a security guard stood and looked over at her. “Um, I’m supposed to meet Luke Harris.”
His eyes widened. “You’re meeting Luke here?”
“Yes,” she said, holding up the key.
The guard smiled. “Top floor. Elevator is just down the hall.”
She watched him sit back down before she walked to the elevator and entered, hitting the button to the top floor. Her mind wandered to what sort of place Luke had asked her to meet him at.
The elevator doors opened and she stepped out into the hall, glancing both ways. A lone door stood at the end.
With key in hand, she made her way to door and stopped, inserting the key into the lock and turned it, listening to the gentle click as the tumblers released.
The apartment was large, with a full wall of windows that looked out over the city. Roxy pulled the door shut behind her and stepped further inside.
The living room was sunken. Three steps led to the sitting area that boasted a set of black leather sofas and chairs. A large entertainment center with a wide screen TV and a massive stereo system took up one entire wall. There was a fireplace just left of the front door and an open kitchen to the right. The shine of stainless steel from the appliances gleamed under the lights.
A winding staircase led to an upper floor and the entire wall behind it held what looked like large framed albums, each with a picture of the guys from Wicked. Another glance around the living room and Roxy knew where she was.
This was Luke’s apartment. His personal space.
Her pulse quickened an instant later before she smiled and took everything in. He’d asked her to his place? “Oh, we’re definitely getting laid tonight,” she said to no one.
Taking the steps down into the living room, she tossed the key on one of the tables by the sofa and laid her bag down.
She looked around the room again and then glanced up to the upper floor. A huge grin covered her face and she ran for the stairs, hurrying up the steps, and stopping at the top.
“Now, which one of you leads to his bedroom?”
The door directly in front of the steps was a music room with guitars lining the walls. Amplifiers, a table covered in books and loose pieces of paper, another stereo, and a whole wall of electronics she had no clue what their purpose was.
The room to the right of the stairs was next. It was a spare bedroom, from the looks of it. No personal effects were found. Just a bed, a dresser, and an empty closet.
Turning, Roxy walked to the other end of the hallway. The last door was open and she grinned when she looked in. This is what she’d been looking for. Luke’s room.
Walking in, she stopped in the center of the massive space. It was nearly as large as the downstairs living room.
The bed was draped in black and burgundy and took up most of the room. It looked big enough to sleep four people comfortably. She frowned while looking at it. How many girls had he screwed silly in that thing?
Shaking the thought away, she turned, taking it all in. Her eyes widened when she looked to the corner behind the door. A large platform took up the corner and what could only be called a “stripper pole” stood in the center. Mirrors lined the walls around the platform and Roxy knew without looking there was a lighting system. A glance up at the ceiling and she laughed at the lights pointed to the small “stage.”
The master bathroom was black and white tile. The tub was huge and the separate shower, like the bed, was roomy enough for several people.
Roxy opened several bottles of cologne sitting on the sink and drank in the scent. She could see Luke in her mind’s eye at the first whiff and wondered how long he’d be. Putting the bottles back where she’d found them, she walked back into the bedroom, staring at the room. A set of doors on the opposite wall caught her attention and she crossed the floor to them and swung them wide.
The closet was a thing of beauty. The back wall was mirrored and rows of clothing hung on either side of the doors. Racks of shoes and boots lined the floor and Roxy felt envious of the space. What she wouldn’t give to have a closet like this.
Walking in, she looked through his clothes, surprised to find denim. She’d only ever seen Luke in leather and planned on getting him into more casual clothes before she had to leave.
Hearing a door close somewhere in the apartment, she turned and ran for the stairs. She saw Luke immediately. When he looked up at her, she blushed.
“Find anything interesting up there?”
She laughed to hide her embarrassment. Being caught snooping wasn’t how she wanted to greet him. “I did actually,” she said, walking to the steps and starting down. “You have a stripper pole in your bedroom.”
“Care to give it a try?” he said, shrugging off his coat and tossing it to the sofa.
“I’m sure there are others more qualified at dancing around poles than I am.”
Luke raised one eyebrow at her, that devilish smirk making an appearance. “I’d much rather have you dance around my pole.”
The look on his face told her he wasn’t talking about the stripper pole anymore and she paused halfway down the steps. He crossed the room, taking the stairs one at a time until he reached the step below where she stood. They were eye level and the look in his eyes made her pulse quicken.
“You’re not naked like I suggested.”
He was still wearing the leather pants, but a loose fitting, blue button-up shirt covered his chest. His hair was tousled, the strands hanging wildly, and he smelled so good she wanted nothing more than to bury her face against his skin and blissfully stay there.
“Neither are you.”
He grinned and said, “We can fix that problem,” before raising his hand, his fingers brushing her knee and dancing up the length of her leg. His hand stopped moving once he reached the top of her thigh-high hose.
“Are these what I think they are?” he asked, tugging at the elastic band.
“Depends on what you think they are.”
His eyes flashed hotly, his gaze sweeping over her body. “What are you hiding under these clothes?”
“If you’re a good boy, you’ll find out later.”
She stepped around him, making her way down the stairs to the windows looking out on the city. A glance out of the corner of her eye showed him still on the steps, his head turned to her. “How did you get out of house arrest?”
He snorted a laugh. “Bobby can be persuaded, unlike Curt.”
Leaning back against the windows, she said, “You bribed him?”
“Of course.” He turned and walked down the steps, crossing the room and stopping in front of her. “And he won’t be back for us until Friday.”
A flutter of butterflies erupted in her stomach and Roxy bit her tongue to keep from smiling. Two whole days alone with him? In his apartment?
She couldn’t have wished for a better scenario. It was like… playing house! She did smile then. It was a schoolgirl notion but one that filled her with excitement. Being with Luke at all was a dream come true. Being able to live with him—even if it was only two days—would be the closest to heaven she’d ever get on earth. When the time came to return home, she’d have a memory to last a lifetime.
“So, what exactly are we to do here for two days?”
Luke reached out, wrapping his arms around her. “Oh, I have tons of activities planned for you.”
“Like getting you naked since you refused to do so yourself.”
Roxy shook her head. “Is that all you think about?”
sp; “When I look at you it is,” he said.
“And why is that?” Roxy noticed the playful, teasing gleam in his eyes vanish, replaced with some indefinable emotion.
“I don’t know,” he answered. “You’re beautiful, for one.”
Her heart fluttered at his words. “Like you haven’t had a host of beautiful women draped all over this apartment.”
Something flashed across his face so quickly she almost missed it. When he looked away, she knew he wasn’t telling her something. He looked different suddenly, like he had the night before in the elevator. The rock star was gone, in his place, a man she didn’t even know.
She leaned forward, encircling his neck with her arms and felt a warm glow surround her body when he tightened his hold on her. “Are you going to feed me or were you planning on starving me until Bobby shows up?”
“The kitchen is stocked.”
“Can you cook?” she asked.
He smiled. “Like a pro.”
“Oh? prove it.”
Roxy stood in the kitchen, leaning over the island bar, cutting up vegetables for a salad. Music filtered through the apartment and she kept glancing up at Luke while he prepared a cognac sauce on the stove.
He’d changed his clothes, surprising her when he walked downstairs in a pair of faded blue jeans and a t-shirt. He was barefoot and looked nothing like the rock star she’d been lusting over. This man, was way hotter.
He looked so—unlike himself. His entire demeanor had changed. He was still flirty, and touchy-feely, but she knew she was seeing a man not many others had. It was as if Luke had vanished and a new person had stepped in his place. Not that she was complaining. This new man was interesting. He definitely knew his way around a kitchen, just as he said he did. Her stomach hadn’t stopped growling since he’d started cooking.
When he turned, saucepan in hand, he winked at her before pouring the sauce over the beef. “Almost finished with those,” he asked, nodding his head to the vegetables she was chopping.
“Yes, last one.”
“Good. This is best while hot.”
With the food preparations finished, they sat down at the table. Roxy couldn’t help but notice how domestic this felt. She’d never had this. In all the relationships she’d ever been in, she couldn’t remember one time her boyfriends had cooked for her. They’d always taken her out to eat. Never once had a cozy dinner been served at one of their homes. Of course, none of her past relationships had ever amounted to much. A few dates, a couple of rolls across the sheets, and they were both moving on to bigger and better things.
Luke poured them wine and when she looked at her plate, her mouth watered. Beef tenderloin with cognac sauce. The dish looked like it came from a five-star restaurant.
She grinned and looked up at him. “Okay, do you moonlight as a chef on weekends?”
He picked up his wine glass, taking a sip before smiling. “Would you believe me if I told you I was in culinary school when I met Mick?”
She raised a curious brow. “Culinary school?”
He nodded.
“I can tell by the look on your face you don’t believe me.”
“It’s not that I don’t believe you,” she said, “It’s just… well, it’s so unlike you.”
He laughed. “There are a lot of things you don’t know about me.”
“Like what?”
He ignored her question. “Start eating,” he said, gesturing to her plate.
When she took her first bite, the flavor of the food caused a moan to ease past her lips. “Oh my God. This is so good.”
“I hope you make the same sound when it’s me you’re tasting.”
She looked up. The hormone driven rock star was back and a shiver raced up her spine. “Do you taste this good?”
Passion flared in his gray eyes and she drank in the look. “You’re more than welcome to find out at your leisure.”
“I’ll definitely keep that in mind for dessert,” she said, taking another bite of her food.
They talked through their meal. Their conversation drifted from one subject to the next with ease and she found herself enthralled in him as he talked. Luke’s flirting didn’t stop and she couldn’t help teasing him back. By the time they’d cleaned their plates, she was so restless she could have done him right there on the kitchen floor.
She leaned back in her seat, sipping her wine while watching him. He was doing the same to her. The hunger in his eyes grew and when he sat his glass down she knew the moment she’d been waiting on since first seeing him perform was close at hand.
“So, Ms. Carlisle, tell me. Are you through playing hard to get?”
She grinned. “What makes you think I’m playing hard to get?”
“Devin told me.”
Roxy’s eyes widened. “And you believe everything Devin tells you?”
“I do when he’s blackmailed into telling me what I want to know. There’s no way he would have lied to me with what I have hanging over his head.”
“And that would be?”
Luke laughed. “I’m not that easy, sweetheart.”
“Neither am I.”
“So I’ve noticed.” He stood then, his chair scraping across the tiled floor. “Want to pretend we are?”
He extended his hand and Roxy’s pulse quickened. She reached out, closing her fingers around his and let him drag her to her feet. “You like games?”
“I love games.”
His voice was deep and held a hint of seduction. Her heart beat faster at the sound of it and when he took a step backwards, pulling her with him out of the kitchen, she felt heat crawling up her spine. “And what game are we going to play tonight?”
“I vote for private dancer.”
“This doesn’t have anything to do with that stripper pole in your bedroom, does it?”
He grinned and led her into the living room. “I want to see you strip.”
“I’m not dancing around that pole,” she laughed.
“Why not.”
The man actually stopped walking and pouted. At that moment, Roxy would have climbed the damn pole butt-ass naked to keep the look on his face. He was too damn sexy for words.
Releasing his hand, she leaned forward and kissed him, pushing on his chest until he started walking backwards again. When he stood before one of the living room chairs, she pushed him down and raised a hand to the top button of her blouse. “I don’t need a pole to make you beg.”
She’d never stripped for anyone while they watched. Sure, there was the mad dash to get naked as her date did the same, but it wasn’t anything like this. She felt as if she were on display and the thrill of it left heat pooling between her legs.
The music was hypnotic and she moved away from him, her hips swaying to the music as she walked toward the stairs. Luke’s gaze drank in her every move, anticipation evident on his face, and knowing he was eager for her left her dizzy with desire.
The buttons on her blouse were opened while he sat there staring. The barest hint of skin and he froze, his gaze hungry and leaving goose bumps trickling across her skin.
She unbuttoned her shirt, pulling it off her shoulders to reveal a black bra, the cups barely covering her nipples. She dropped the blouse, reaching behind her to the zipper of her skirt.
Giving him her back, she looked over one shoulder, smiling at his slackened features. He licked his lips, his eyes darting over her form.
Pushing the skirt down, she leaned over, giving him a view of her backside, the g-string bottom of her panties leaving nothing to the imagination.
He moaned loudly and hissed her name.
When the skirt pooled at her feet, she lifted her leg, stepping out of the garment before kicking it away and turning back to face him. She stood in nothing but her underwear, thigh-high hose, and black heels.
With a saucy smile, she raised her arms above her head, letting her body sway to the music. She looked at him, watching
him lean back against the chair, his eyes hungry and glossed over.
The music infused her limbs, guiding her movements. Her hands ran across her shoulders to her neck, traveling down, to brush her nipples before skimming her stomach to the edge of her panties. She slowed her movements and locked eyes with him before sliding her fingers into her panties.
His nostrils flared at the action and she smiled, dipping one lone finger between her pussy lips and throwing her head back while rubbing her clit.
When he growled her name, she looked at him and laughed when he jumped from the chair.
She turned and ran, headed for the stairs.
He caught her on the fourth step up, his arms encircling her waist from behind before turning her body to face him. His kiss was mind numbing and Roxy moaned at its intensity and reached out to grab the stair railing when her knees buckled before her bottom hit the step above her.
Luke leaned over her as his hands scorched a trail over her flesh. He was nestled between her open thighs, his weight bearing her down along the steps.
He broke the kiss, his lips trailing over her jaw. Roxy closed her eyes, raising a hand to the back of his head and felt tingles run the length of her spine when he extended his tongue, licking a wet path to the top of her breast. He sucked her nipple into his mouth through the lace of her bra and she arched her back.
Roxy reached down, snapping open the front closure on the garment and gasped when the warmth of his mouth touched her flesh. Light, nipping bites tinted her skin pink and she squirmed under him, not able to get close enough.
He flicked her nipple with the sharp point of his tongue, swirling it around the puckered nub before sucking it into his mouth. His teeth clamped down gently, the sting sending a current of need straight to her core before he released her and showered her neglected breast with the same attention.