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The Calling Page 16
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Page 16
"You should sit," Sabriel said, his words drawing her from her thoughts. She looked up at him, the intense look on his face washing everything away. She couldn't explain what it was when he looked at her. It was as if everything around her calmed. The problems she faced seemed mundane and a lethargic peace settled into her bones. She wasn't sure if it was him or some fancy vampire mojo. She still remembered the cooling sensation his hand left on her face. He had a firm grip on her arm and she didn't feel it. Whatever he'd done, he wasn't doing it now.
He motioned her back to her chair, helping her cross the short distance, and when she finally sat and the ringing inside her head had stopped, the only thing she could think of was where they were keeping Garrett and why Carmen's hysterical words left her feeling so cold.
* * * *
Malcolm grabbed a chair, sliding it forward. He sat, propped one ankle on the opposite knee and finally looked up. "What I want is simple, Garrett," he said. "I want you to join us."
Garrett laughed and shook his head. "Not going to happen."
"We're not the monsters you think we are, Garrett."
"You aren't doing much to disprove my theory, either."
"What if I see to it that you're the one to infect Ms. Ford?" Malcolm said. "I'm sure you would rather not let Caleb do it. He seems a little... eager. I'm afraid he may hurt the girl."
"No one will be infecting her. As soon as I get out of these chains..."
"You'll whisk her to parts unknown?" Malcolm said. He laughed and stood from his chair, straightening his suit jacket before crossing the room and stopping in front of him. "Please, Garrett. Don't fool yourself into thinking you can keep her safe. We'll find her no matter where she is. Just play along and all will be well."
Footsteps on the stairs drew their attention and Garrett turned his head, watching Bryce enter the basement. "There are problems upstairs that need your immediate attention, Malcolm."
"What sort of problems?" Malcolm said.
Bryce glanced at Garrett before clearing his throat. "Carmen."
Malcolm sighed before turning back to Garrett. "Very well. Take our guest here to the clearing and secure him. I want to make sure he has a front row seat for our little show."
Garrett pulled on his chains, extending them as far as he could go. "I'll not let you hurt her, Malcolm."
"Then join us and see to her safety," Malcolm said. "I would hate to have to destroy you and leave her defenseless before the pack. We both know how the Alpha's get when there's a new female amongst us. Do you think she would survive the hunt when they all tried to claim her?" He smiled and turned, walking back to the stairs. "Think about it, Garrett. If you're not here to protect her, who will?"
Garrett watched him leave before turning his gaze to Bryce. He looked much like he did when he left twelve years ago. He was still tall, solidly built and had a face that could hide every thought he had. They stared at each other for long moments before Bryce finally moved.
"You do know I'll kill you the minute you take these chains off, right?"
Bryce smiled. "No you won't," he said.
"And what makes you think that?"
"Because you'll have a reason not to."
"And that would be?" Garrett asked.
The smile Bryce gave him told him things words couldn't. Garrett stood stock still as he approached and watched him until he stopped in front of him. "Things are about to get real interesting around here, Garrett," Bryce said. "And I for one can't wait for the fireworks."
Chapter 14
When Malcolm returned, Rayna could tell by the look on his face he'd been told of the excitement he'd missed. He hurried across the room and knelt by her chair. "Are you all right, Ms. Ford?"
Rayna looked at him, her jaw aching and the side of her face feeling as if it would explode any minute, and said, "Actually, I'm having a wonderful time, Malcolm. Who knew a bunch of crabby old wereanimals could throw such an exciting party." He looked shocked for a moment before he offered her a tiny smile.
"Your sarcasm is well noted," he said. "I do apologize. Carmen will be dealt with."
She looked away, noticing everyone staring at her and leaned back in her seat. She closed her eyes and willed the headache pounding in her head away. "I want to see Garrett," she said, keeping her eyes closed.
"I'm afraid that isn't possible."
The look she shot him caused him to lean back. She stared at him and felt a bubble of hysterics try to surface. The only person she felt safe around was being kept from her and she was sick of all the games. She was sick of these people. Sick of playing by their rules and completely sick of being the victim. The gun was poking into her spine and in that moment, she felt brave enough to use it. "Then I'm afraid you give me no choice," she said, sitting up before reaching behind her back and grabbing the gun. She stuck the barrel just under his left eye and pushed until the skin around the black metal turned white. "Unless you have some fancy werewolf power that will allow you to grow a new brain, I suggest you take me to him now."
There wasn't a sound in the room. The silence was damn near deafening. Rayna kept her gaze locked with Malcolm and swallowed the fear trying to claw its way up her chest. She had no doubt he could take the gun if he wanted to. She just hoped she had enough nerve to pull the trigger if he tried.
He said nothing for long minutes, his gaze never leaving her own and she knew the moment he'd made a decision. A spark of something flashed in his eyes and he blinked at her before saying, "All right, Ms. Ford. As you wish." He stood and she followed him, keeping the gun pressed into his face. They stood awkwardly staring at each other before he motioned to the door with his arm. "After you."
"No," she said. "After you. I insist."
Malcolm turned and she turned with him, moving the gun to the side of his head, pressing it into his temple. They walked out of the room and down the hall, stopping at one of the doors at the end of the corridor. When it opened, she glanced down the stairs. "What's down there?"
"The basement," he said. "That's where you'll find Garrett."
"No, that's were we'll find him. Start walking," she said, shoving him with a push of the gun. He started toward the stairs, much to her surprise. She followed him awkwardly down the steps, trying to keep the gun on him. She realized halfway down that she wasn't holding him at gunpoint as much as he was letting her do it. If he wanted to, he could have taken the gun from her by now. She wondered why he hadn't.
When they reached the bottom of the landing, she was shocked by what she saw. The basement was immense, the walls made of gray and black stone, and from what she could see, it looked like a torture chamber. An assortment of chains hung from the walls and the few wooden tables scattered about the room held metal instruments she'd never seen before. The cement floor held stains she didn't even want to contemplate and several cages were in the far corner. "Where is he?" she asked.
"Ms. Ford," Malcolm said, "I hate to disappoint you, but I'm afraid I can't grant you your wish. At least not yet."
Rayna turned to face him and pushed the gun harder against the side of his head. "Then I'm afraid you'll need to grow a new skull." Before she could summon the courage to pull the trigger, Malcolm reached up and snatched the gun from her, his thick fingered grasp clasping her around the throat before he shoved her back against the wall. Her heart sank when she realized what a fool she was.
Malcolm's eyes shifted from cool brown to a sunburst of yellow and orange. The bones in his face shifted momentarily before he clenched his jaw and chased the wolf away. Taking a deep breath, he tossed the gun across the room and stared down at her. "I had hoped it would be easier than this, Ms. Ford," he said. "I've tried repeatedly to accommodate you to no avail. Every comfort at my disposal has been granted you yet you treat me with disdain and make me appear a fool in front of my friends. I've treated you with respect and all I've received for my trouble is your constant complaining."
Rayna swallowed and turned her head, trying to loosen his
grip on her neck. His fingers eased their pressure and she was allowed enough air to speak. "Did you honestly think I would just stand still while you ruined my life, Malcolm?"
"Ruined your life?" He stared at her for long, silent moments before laughing. "I'm giving you a new life!" he yelled. "I'm granting you the privilege of becoming something more powerful than you ever dreamed. Why can you not see what I'm offering you is a gift?"
"Because it's not!" Rayna reached up and grabbed his arm, trying to pull his hand away from her throat. "You aren't God, Malcolm. You can't decide what's best for me or anyone else for that matter."
"What I offer you is a chance at becoming something eternal. A being so superior humans will worship you."
"Worship me?" Rayna said. "They won't worship me, Malcolm, or you for that matter. They'll fear what you are. They'll kill you on sight."
"No, they won't," he said. "Once you show them what it is we can offer them, they'll line up to become one of us. Imagine a world where the night breeds have free reign. Where we're free to live amongst the humans without fear of persecution. A world where we're worshiped instead of feared."
"Is that your ultimate plan?" she asked. "To set yourself up as the new messiah? Do you honestly believe people will envy you, and your power, and line up to become one of the freaks in your show?" His grasp on her throat tightened and Rayna tried to catch her breath. His face shifted again, the bones sliding under his flesh and her eyes drooped shut as stars danced behind her eyelids.
"I have worked for years to bring this change about, Ms. Ford, and I'll not let anything stop me. I will have this with or without your help. The breeds will emerge from the dark. We'll live amongst the humans and once that happens, the world will be ours. It would be in your best interest to be on our side. Those who oppose us..." He smiled and released his hold on her, running a finger down her throat and stopping at the top of her blouse. "Play nice Ms. Ford. If you want your pet wolf to survive the night, I suggest you do exactly as you're told. Now come, our guests have waited long enough and I suggest you not embarrass me again. I'll make sure you live to regret it if you do."
* * * *
Garrett grunted when Caleb slammed him against the tree. His arms yanked back around the tree trunk before the chains were hooked together at his wrists, quite effectively securing him. He gritted his teeth and pulled on the chains to no avail. In this position, without the wolf, he'd never break them and Malcolm knew it. That was why they'd fitted him with the collar. Once he tried to shift, the collar would expand, exposing the studs that would, quite effectively, decapitate him.
Caleb walked back around the tree, a smile on his face. "Are you as excited about tonight as I am?" he asked, bouncing on the balls of his feet. He inhaled deeply, letting it out in a whoosh. "There's no full moon but the chance of a hunt is quite invigorating. I know your girl is going to run."
"I'll see that she doesn't," Garrett said.
Caleb's smile widened. "She's not as well trained as you are, Garrett. She'll run. Mark my words and when she does..." He laughed, cupping the bulge in the front of his pants before moving to the center of the clearing. "Do you think she'll scream for me?"
Garrett knew Caleb was baiting him and it was working. It took every ounce of control he had to keep the wolf at bay. He had no illusions as to what Caleb would do to Rayna given the chance. He'd claim her for no other reason than to prove he could. Caleb didn't want her. Not like he himself did. No, Caleb wanted to possess her, to claim her as his own and add her to his little pack of trophy wolves. To make her a plaything to his whims.
The wolf stretched under his skin and slid against his bones. The longer Garrett stared at Caleb, the more the wolf wanted out. It knew his mate was in danger and protecting her was all he was concerned about regardless of the fact they'd both die the minute he reached the surface. It was up to him, the man, to keep the beast contained. One tiny slip could end both their lives, and Rayna's.
He glanced over at Bryce, watching him stare at Caleb and wondered exactly how tonight would play out. He'd had a very interesting conversation in the basement and hoped like hell he could trust the very few hands he'd placed Rayna's life in. If he'd misjudged them... He didn't want to think about it at the moment. He'd worry about that when the time came. For now, he had to stay clear-headed and not lose it. Easier said than done.
* * * *
The ritual ground was crawling with people. If people was what you wanted to call them. Rayna saw the shifters from the dinner party, and Sabriel, the vampire, gathered around the large rock face. They were chatting amongst themselves, smiling and watching the growing crowd.
The atmosphere was jovial, everyone in a festive mood. She wished she could share in their joy. Knowing she was about to become a midnight snack for someone caused her stomach to cramp and her vision to blur. Malcolm led her to the center of the circle and stopped, his hold on her arm tightening to this side of pain. A glance around the clearing showed the eager faces of those who wanted to live amongst the humans. Faces of people who were here for no other reason than to watch her be attacked.
She turned her head to look over her shoulder and saw Judith. Their eyes met for a brief second before the woman looked to her right and back again. Rayna followed her gaze and saw Bryce. He was staring at her. His arms were folded over his chest and the piercing look in his eyes held her in place. She wasn't sure where his loyalty lay but he was the only person there who had showed her any compassion. When they were captured in the forest, he'd kept her safe from Caleb. She wondered if he'd help her now and was willing to beg him on one knee if she knew it would help.
He took a step to his left and that's when she saw Garrett. He was behind Bryce, his arms pulled tightly behind him and around the tree at his back. "Garrett!" She jerked away from Malcolm when Garrett looked up and she stumbled, hitting her knees hard before righting herself and running. Malcolm's shout for her to stop followed her across the clearing. She ran headlong into Garrett, stopping only when her body collided with his. "Are you all right?" she asked.
"I'm fine," he said, smiling. His smile vanished a second later. "What the hell happened to your face!"
Rayna reached up, fingering her cheek where Carmen had punched her. It was tender to the touch and she could only imagine what it looked like. "Carmen." His eyes changed colors in an instant. "I'm okay," she said. "It just hurts when I smile or talk." He stared at her, his gaze roaming her face and she saw his jaw clench when he looked at her neck.
"Did Carmen do that as well?"
Reaching for her neck, she felt the tenderness and knew it was probably pretty shades of black and blue. "No," she said. "Malcolm wasn't too fond of me shoving a gun into his face in front of all his friends." Garrett looked across the clearing, his deadly gaze on Malcolm.
"I'm going to get you out of this," he said. "Trust me."
"I do trust you."
He looked back at her. "Then promise me, no matter what happens, you won't run."
"I won't."
"I mean it, Rayna. Caleb wants you to and he'll hurt you if you do. Promise me you'll stay put. I won't let him hurt you."
"I promise."
The crunch of leaves and rock under someone's feet caught Rayna's attention and she turned her head, looking back over her shoulder. Malcolm was standing behind her, smiling. "If you're quite through, Ms. Ford, we do need to get started."
"Malcolm, I will rip your throat out if you so much as touch her," Garrett yelled.
"I don't plan on touching her, Garrett," Malcolm said, grinning. "Caleb will do that for me. You had your chance to do the honors. You refused, if I remember correctly."
Rayna was snatched back into place at Malcolm's side a moment later. "Now," Malcolm said. "I suggest you don't try anything heroic, Garrett. That pretty little collar you're wearing, I'm told, doesn't go with your fur suit." Malcolm reached up and patted Garrett on the neck, his fingernails elongated and clicked against the thick metal of the colla
Garrett held her gaze as she was led back to the center of the clearing and she only looked away when Malcolm turned them and faced the rock ledge. "Now, do behave, Ms. Ford. I'd hate for you to embarrass me again. I can promise you you'll regret it this time."
Malcolm smiled and straightened his shoulders, pulling her closer to him. "My friends," he said. "I do apologize for the delay but let's not wait any longer, shall we? Ms. Ford has graciously consented to be our spokesperson in our transition."
Rayna tried to jerk her arm from his grasp and yelled when he wouldn't let go. "The only thing I'm going to do for you is have you arrested, Malcolm!"
"On what grounds?" he asked, looking down at her.
"Stalking. Kidnapping. Assault. Should I go on?"
"You'll do no such thing," he said, waving his arm in the air to dismiss her comment. "Caleb, whenever you're ready."
Malcolm released her arm, walking across the clearing to join the others at the rock face and for a brief second, she contemplated running. Garrett's words came back to her then. "Don't run," he'd said. "Caleb wants you to run." Clenching her jaw, and the desire to do exactly what Garret told her not to do, she locked her knees and tried to hold still.
Caleb advanced from the far side of the clearing. The smile on his face as he stared at her caused her stomach to cramp. The bastard was going to enjoy this. She could tell by the swagger in his walk, the slight tilt of his head. He was again dressed in nothing but his jeans. The moonlight glowing through the trees overhead shined down on his blue hair and pale skin and caused him to look down right ethereal. Her pulse started racing when she saw his eyes shift from cool blue to that eerie wolf orange.