The Calling Read online

Page 17

  When Caleb reached her, he grabbed both her arms and jerked her to him, his body flush with her own. She could tell how excited he was. Proof of it lay hard and solid against her stomach. She swallowed audibly and glanced around the clearing. Mitch was the first person she saw. He was trying to fade into the background as he eased his way to the tree line. His eyes were huge, horrified. Much like hers were, she imagined. Another glance around and she saw Carmen, blood still oozing from her cheek. For someone who'd had half their face ripped off, she was still able to pull off a very smug look. Bryce was still standing near Garrett and for the first time, she saw something on his face that shocked her. Sympathy and remorse. She grabbed onto it and begged for his help. "Bryce, don't let them do this!" He looked away, glancing at Malcolm. "Please!"

  She looked to Garrett and barely got a glimpse of him when Caleb grabbed her chin and brought her attention back to him. He was smiling at her. "Once I turn you, I'm going to ride you until you beg me to fuck you just a little bit harder," he said, his face only inches from her own. "Since Garrett wasn't man enough to let that wolf out when he took you, I'll be sure you get to experience it."

  He wiggled his tongue at her and leaned down. She wasn't sure if his intent was to kiss her or not but she wasn't taking any chances. She reached up and slapped his face. "I'd rather you kill me right where I stand than let you touch me, Caleb. Do your worst."

  The rage that covered his face caused her body to tremble seconds before he squeezed her arms. He lifted his head and howled and every hair on Rayna's body stood on end as he did.

  He shifted right in front of her. The clear liquid that always seemed to be present during a shift splattered her clothes. She turned away and screamed as his body convulsed, felt the bones in his hands move under his skin and heard the audible crack of shifting bone, flesh and muscle.

  His wolf form was just as frightening as the others she had seen. He was on two legs, like Garrett's wolf always was, but the hair on his body was a pale auburn. The inside of his ears and the hair around his mouth was black. His lips pulled back for a moment and she saw teeth that made her knees go weak. Teeth she knew were going to be in her flesh any second now. He was going to bite her. Infect her and turn her into a werewolf. She would have laughed if she weren't scared shitless. She turned her head to look over her shoulder at Garrett as her vision blurred with tears. He was still chained to the tree but struggling.

  A jerk of her arm and she screamed again, turning her face away from the horror in front of her and struggled in his grasp. His claws bit into her arms, his loud snarls and growls drowning out her cries and she vaguely heard the sound of multiple growls, howls, and roars.

  Caleb grabbed her by the hair, holding her head back and she screamed as he opened his mouth, those sharp teeth gleaming and wet coming toward her. She kicked and fought, looking for any way out of his grasp when she remembered. Aiming between his legs, she planted the toe of her shoe into his balls. His outraged howl nearly deafened her, his grip on her tightening until she knew he'd drawn blood and without thinking, she kicked him again and again.

  He tossed her across the clearing as if she were weightless, the impact with the hard ground knocking the air from her lungs and caused spots to flash behind her eyelids. The noise in the clearing grew, angry voices shouting, and struggling to open her eyes, she saw why.

  Garrett had broken his chains.

  Chapter 15

  Garrett slung his arm in a wide arc, the chain still attached to his right wrist slashing across the pack members nearest to him and effectively knocking them out of his way. He stretched his neck and looked toward the sky, the howl he let out echoing through the trees and caused goose bumps to pimple Rayna's skin in an instant. He lifted his hand and grabbed the collar around his neck. A hard yank and the metal slipped off, freeing him and the wolf.

  "You said it would hold!" Malcolm yelled and Rayna looked to where he stood. He was in front of Carmen, his fists clenched into her hair.

  "It should have!" she said. "He couldn't have broken it on his own."

  A chorus of howls followed Garrett's and turning her head and looking out across the clearing, Rayna could see a few of the others pulling at their clothes. They were shifting.

  Malcolm's guests sitting on the rock face were now on their feet. Some wore eager looks on their faces, others worried glances toward Garrett and those wolves now taking shape around the perimeter of the clearing.

  A quick glance at Caleb showed him still bent over. Werewolves or not, their balls still hurt when kicked, apparently. Rayna struggled to her knees, wincing as her body protested. A sharp pain in her side took her breath and she grabbed her ribs, holding the spot right under her left breast. She knew she'd cracked something. After the way she'd hit the ground, it was a miracle she could move at all.

  Malcolm moved back into the circle and looked wild-eyed at his pack. "Don't let him interfere," he said. "Restrain him!"

  More of the wolves shifted then, doing Malcolm's bidding. The howls and throaty growls added to the chaos and as flesh melted into fur, claws and fangs poised to do battle, Rayna wondered if she'd come out of this alive.

  Garrett shifted without effort and for the first time, Rayna watched without fear. She sat on her knees, watching the wolf take shape and knew in that instant, he'd do whatever it took to protect her.

  She saw Caleb slowly straighten out of the corner of her eye and turned her head in his direction. His teeth were bared and she wondered then if instead of just infecting her, he'd kill her. Apparently Malcolm had the same thought. He stepped in front of him and yelled, "Only deep enough to infect her, Caleb!"

  Malcolm was swatted away as if he were nothing. Caleb took a step toward her and she crawled to her feet. "Garrett!"

  An ear-splitting roar and the clank of metal chains was all she got in return. He was fighting amongst the pack. A large circle of wolves surrounded him and she felt the helplessness of their situation in that moment. They were outnumbered.

  Looking around the clearing, she noticed two things instantly. One, Malcolm was shifting. His wolf was pure gray. He was also on two legs and the look in his eyes was deadly. Thankfully, he wasn't looking at her. His gaze was fixed on Caleb. Two, Carmen was gone. She didn't know whether to be thankful for that or to be more scared. She knew the woman would kill her given the chance.

  She didn't realize she was backing away until she came into contact with a tree. She yelped in surprise and knew it was a mistake the moment the shadows of the forest engulfed her. There was nowhere to go. The forest was at her back, a massive, pissed off werewolf at her front. If she ran, Caleb would be on her in an instant. Another glance at Garrett and she wanted to cry. He was surrounded.

  A deep breath in to try and settle her nerves and she knew it was either stand there and get eaten, or run. She took her chances and ran for Garrett.

  The rapid click of heavy footfalls followed her and she was afraid to look. She only made it half way across the clearing before a growl sounded behind her moments before she hit the ground. She screamed, tried to crawl away and was blinded by tears as she was grabbed by the ankle and roughly flipped over onto her back.

  Caleb was leaning over her, his orange-yellow eyes blazing as his head lowered. She tried kicking him again, screamed into his face as he neared her and beat against his chest. The noise in the clearing grew, multiple shouts heard and as quickly as Caleb appeared, he was gone in a whoosh of fur, his startled yelps music to her ears.

  Rayna let out a choked sob as she watched him roll across the dirt floor of the clearing, tangled with Bryce who was still in human form.

  They both snarled and she saw Bryce slowly start to shift. Caleb hit him and knocked him to the ground, not letting up as the wolf slowly emerged under him. When Bryce's wolf finally surfaced he rolled until he was able to crawl to his feet. Caleb followed him and wasted no time in attacking. The heavy pawed swings drew blood, teeth bit into flesh and Rayna scooted back across
the ground and looked for Malcolm, her eyes widening when she saw him engaged in his own battle. Another wolf was fighting him. Malcolm batted him away effortlessly, drawing blood and a pained yelp. She winced as the wolf he was fighting was grabbed and jerked from the ground before Malcolm bit into the side of his neck. Another howl echoed off through the clearing as Malcolm tore a chunk of meat away and spat it on the ground. She turned away and willed herself not to vomit.

  A look around the clearing and she saw wolf attacking wolf. Malcolm's plan was crumbling. The pack was divided, fighting amongst themselves.

  Climbing to her feet, Rayna edged closer to the trees, trying to keep her eyes on Garrett, Malcolm and Caleb's fights and didn't know which way to turn. Every inch of the circle was covered with massive, snarling werewolves. She understood now how fighting determined who was strong enough to lead the pack. Anyone able to survive such a brutal assault deserved to be king and from where she was standing, there was only one wolf that deserved that title. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that Garrett would come out victor in this battle and a swell of pride bloomed in her chest as she watched him. He was fierce and never once relented. He tossed those attacking him away as if they weighed nothing and fought his way out of the tightly formed circle they held him in. When the last one gave way, he turned, his heavy gaze landing on her. She smiled at him, his head lowering a fraction in her direction before he turned and went after Caleb.

  Caleb batted Bryce away and was advancing on him when Garrett reached him. He growled and turned, swinging his arm at Garrett and the heavy grunts and slashing clawed punches drew blood within moments. The air hung heavy with a coppery tang that coated Rayna's tongue with every breath. The entire clearing was covered with fighting werewolves and it was hard to tell who was fighting for whom.

  A loud, shrill scream drew her attention back to Malcolm. He knocked his opponent away, sending the wolf crashing against the rock face and causing startled screams from those still watching from their safe perch. Confused voices shouted over the chaos and Rayna saw a few of the other shifters jumping from the rock face and run for the trees. Others preferred to join the fight, shifting into their animal form and jumping into the fray.

  Malcolm turned and ran across the clearing toward Caleb and Garrett. The three tore at each other, their snarls and growls sending chills up her spine, and just as she was beginning to fear the unfair advantage Malcolm and Caleb had on Garrett, her wolf lunged in a move so quick she nearly missed it, grabbing Caleb's head and twisting, the audible crack of breaking bone evident from across the circle.

  Caleb fell and didn't move.

  She gasped, holding her breath as Garrett jumped for Malcolm, giving the packs leader a brutal slash of his claws. They cut across his chest, ripping through flesh, and blood splattered the ground as it ran down his body. They moved across the clearing, circling each other. They were both panting for breath, blood coated their bodies, and neither looked ready to give an inch. The fighting around the edges of the clearing slowed and Rayna saw every shifter present stop, their attention on the two in the middle. This is what they had all been waiting for.

  She knew from what Garret had told her that taking on the pack leader was a significant thing. If he fought Malcolm and won, he'd earn the respect of the pack and in essence, become leader, but she knew that wasn't what he wanted. He didn't want to rule the pack.

  Garrett turned his head, looking at those around him before facing Malcolm. "Don't make me kill you, Malcolm," he said.

  Malcolm snarled and straightened his spine. "It's the only way you'll get her off this mountain. I will have her, Garrett."

  Garrett's shoulders fell a fraction of an inch before he shook his head. "No," he said. "You won't." He lunged for Malcolm, knocking him backwards and off his feet. The interest from the others grew anew as they tightened the circle around the fighting pair. Her view was blocked by the broad shoulders of the wolves in front of her but the sounds coming from the center of the circle were enough to cause the hair on the back of her neck to stand on end. Loud snarls and growls, a strangled yelp followed by a howl...

  The circle broke apart abruptly and Garrett and Malcolm flew past the others in a blur of movement. They landed a few yards in front of her and for a brief second she couldn't tell who was who. The first one to their feet turned and leveled his gaze on her before running toward her. She screamed and stumbled back, trying to get away as he reached for her. It was Malcolm, his gray coat barely visible under the blood coating his body. She saw Garrett running toward him and she took a quick step to the left as Garrett swung at Malcolm.

  Malcolm turned and grabbed Garrett with both hands, slinging him toward her. It felt like a truck hit her as his full weight fell on top of her and the pain was blinding. Her entire body ached and she gasped for breath. When Garrett rolled off of her, she saw Malcolm standing over them. His lips were turned back into what she assumed was a smile. Rayna jumped to her feet the instant Garrett swung at Malcolm.

  He missed.

  The feel of sharp claws ripping into her flesh caused spots to dance before her eyes. Fire raced through her limbs and she froze, staring wide-eyed at Garrett before looking down. The front of her shirt was shredded and she watched as blood bloomed brilliant red from the gash in her stomach.

  Everything stopped. The growls, the fighting, her breath. She grabbed her stomach and looked up at Garrett, her vision dimming as she saw his lips curl back moments before he grabbed Malcolm and sank his teeth into his throat.

  Malcolm's panicked screams echoed in her head as she hit the ground and she fought to keep her eyes open. She saw Garrett a moment later. Blood was splattered across his face, his breaths panted out unevenly as he leaned down and lifted her from the ground. She gasped as pain engulfed her limbs and Garrett's unearthly howl was the last thing she heard as she slipped into unconsciousness.

  * * * *

  The first thing Rayna noticed when she woke was the sun. It was shining in her face and she squinted and turned her head away. She could hear whispered voices and forced her eyes open, blinking against the light. Judith was at the door, talking to someone. She puzzled over her for long moments before turning to look around the room. It was the one she'd been given when she arrived at Malcolm's. Thinking of him caused everything to come back to her in flashes of images. The first shift she'd witnessed, being chased through the woods, seeing Garrett as a wolf and then learning he'd only alienated her to protect her. Their mad dash through the forest to escape Caleb and his men, their capture and the horrible fight she'd witnessed.

  She also remembered the pain.

  Looking down, she lifted the blankets, noticing she was naked under them. A bandage was around her stomach and spots of red dotted the white material. She dropped her head, and the blankets, and stared up at the ceiling.

  Malcolm hadn't been the one to throw the killing blow, so to speak, but he accomplished his goal nonetheless.

  Turning her head to the door, she licked her lips and said, "Judith."

  The woman turned, her eyes widening before she quickly shut the door and walked across the room.

  "Oh thank goodness," she said, sighing as she neared the bed. "I dreaded telling him you were still out when he came back up."

  "Where is he?" she asked, knowing Garrett was whom she was talking about.

  "I don't know," she said. "He comes in, checks on you, growls loud enough to put everyone on edge and stalks back out of the house. He's been gone for a few hours now."

  "Is he all right?"

  "He's not hurt, if that's what you're asking. Nothing life threatening, anyway. He had several nasty scratches but they had faded quite a bit last time he was up. He's more worried about you than anything." She looked away, fussing with the blankets and Rayna knew there was more.

  She reached out, grabbing her hand. "What is it?" she asked.

  Judith shook her head and smiled. "Nothing. There's no need for you to worry."

  "Should I b
e worrying?" she asked.

  "No, you shouldn't. Everything will be fine. It's just an adjustment for us all."

  "What's an adjustment?"

  Judith walked to the foot of the bed and straightened the already pristine blankets. She glanced up quickly before walking to the windows and pulling the curtains closed. "With Malcolm gone no one knows what to expect."

  Rayna stared at Judith's back, visions of the last time she saw Malcolm flashing in her mind's eye. His strangled screams could still be heard if she listened hard enough. "Garrett killed him, didn't he?"

  Judith sighed and turned to face her. "Not everyone is handling it well," she said.

  "Who?" The look on her face told her she was talking about Garrett. "Tell me, Judith."

  She walked back to the bed and sat down on the edge. "Garrett's not physically hurt, so don't worry yourself." Rayna waited, staring at Judith until the woman sighed and hung her head.

  "Judith. What aren't you telling me?"

  "We all know it's because he's upset," she said, looking up. Her eyes were slightly wide and Rayna could see just a hint of fear hiding within their depths.

  "What's because he's upset. You're not making any sense."

  Judith glanced away, her shoulders dropping. "He hasn't been very pleasant to be around since that night." She adjusted the blankets again and looked at anything but her. "When Malcolm fell and Garrett picked you up, he carried you all the way from the forest back to the house without a word... We all thought you were dead. You were covered in blood. We didn't realize the majority of it wasn't yours until later but he, Garrett I mean, he was... I can't really describe it. I've seen Alpha's at their worst and we know to steer clear of them but we all knew he'd killed Malcolm. We saw it. Garrett was pack leader the moment Malcolm took his last breath and as wolves under his control, we're bound to him and him alone." She smiled sadly. "It hurts the pack when one of our own is wounded, whether that wound is physical or not, and Garrett was hurting. It took Bryce twenty minutes to talk him into letting you go long enough for us to tend to you. He was still angry and snapped at everyone and did nothing but pace around the room, growling. Half the pack is terrified of him now."